Monday, December 18, 2017

Week of December 18 - 22, 2017

Friday HW
1.  We were supposed to have a quiz today on Mean, Median , and Mode.  I had 10 quiz writers absent today so I have postponed it.  The new date is Thursday January 11, 2018

Thursday HW
1.  Math Quiz on Mean, Median , and Mode tomorrow.  (This was listed in the agenda on Tuesday, but not on this blog.)

Tuesday HW
1.  News Journal Summary and Reflection
2.  Literature Circles continue tomorrow.  Students can read ahead and make notes for week three meetings which happen on the second day back from the break.
3.  Secret Santa for Thursday.
4.  Food Drive items  -- Thursday deadline.

Monday HW
1.  News Journal Summary and Reflection
2.  Literature Circles resume tomorrow.
3.  Secret Santa for Thursday
4.  Food Drive items.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Week of December 11 -15, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Toy and Food drive donations.
2.  MMS page 71 ONLY.
3.  News Journal summary and reflection base on the presentation of either Olivia or Isobel today.  Every study had an opportunity to copy down W5H jot notes today to act as a baseline source for the one paragraph, half page summary of the article they heard about.  We also had at least 15 minutes of discussion after each presentation that would assist in the writing of the one paragraph, half page reflection on the presentations given.  A reflection would be a chance to make connections to the presentation, talk about your opinions on it, or tell how it makes you feel or what it reminds you about.  No student should be able to say they have no avenue into a reflection.
4.  Literature Circle reading and preparations continue today. 20 minutes of reading is assigned each night and the students have sticky notes and guidance about what their roles entail.  Students should be making "on-the-fly" notes they stick onto their novels which form the basis of a rough draft and later a good copy to be ready for meeting days (Day 2 or Day 3)
These are "look-fors" you can ask your child to show you if you are wondering about their progress..

Wednesday HW
1.  Toy and Food drive donations.
2.  MMS page 70 ONLY.
3.  Story of Stuff is due in class on Thursday, December 14 by the end of the day.  We will have laptop cart access tomorrow in class.
4.  Literature Circle group presentations continued today. After viewing two groups the readiness for the discussion emerged as a key point of difference in terms of achievement.  I assign 20 minutes of reading each night and the students were given sticky notes and guidance in what their roles entailed.  Students who performed well in the group session had lots of notes feathering out from their books and had a good copy from which to make their oral discussion points in the circle talk.  A significant number of students in the groups I moderated were unprepared:  no notes in evidence stuck to the novel pages, and sometimes not even a readable rough draft in the writing notebook.  These are areas you can ask your child to see if you are wondering about their progress..
**The reading material and folders can be taken home provided they are not left there or damaged in transit.  We use the books and folders almost every day.  If you foresee potential damage (water, juice, etc,) perhaps it would be a good idea to place the folder and novel in a ziploc bag in the backpack.

Tuesday HW
1.  Toy and Food drive donations.
2.  MMS pages 68-69
3.  Story of Stuff is due in class on Thursday, December 14 by the end of the day.  Students were given a good copy construction paper sheet yesterday and other construction paper was available today for additional design on the main page.  We will have laptop cart access tomorrow and on Thursday in class.
4.  Literature Circle group presentations started today.
The one page good copy of each student's role presentation should be finished in inside the Lit Circle folder on Wednesday.
Students have a schedule of their presentation dates.  The "Curses" and "Westing Game" novel groups present on day 2 each week and the "Dust" and "Egypt Game" groups present each day 3.  This cycle will continue for the next four weeks.  Students have a guide/outline of their role responsibilities with detailed expectations.  They each have a novel.  The work should be drafted first in the Writing notebook and then written as clean good copy on a single sheet of lined paper that I can provide.  The expected length is one side of paper, single spaced.  It should be paragraphed unless they are word definitions.
**The material can be taken home provided it is not left there or damaged in transit.  If you foresee potential damage (water, juice, etc,) perhaps it would be a good idea to place the folder and novel in a ziploc bag in the backpack.

Monday HW
1.  Toy and Food drive donations.
2.  Story of Stuff is due in class on Thursday, December 14 by the end of the day.  Students were given a good copy construction paper sheet today.  We will have laptop cart access tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday in class.
3.  Literature Circle group presentations start tomorrow.  Students have a schedule of their presentation dates.  Roughly speaking the "Curses" and "Westing Game" novel groups present on day 2 each week and the "Dust" and "Egypt Game" groups present each day 3.  This cycle will continue for the next four weeks.  Students have a guide/outline of their role responsibilities with detailed expectations.  They each have a novel.  The work should be drafted first in the Writing notebook and then written as clean good copy on a single sheet of lined paper that I can provide.  The expected length is one side of paper, single spaced.  It should be paragraphed unless they are word definitions.  Today was our fourth in-class period of reading, note-taking, and writing.
**The material can be taken home provided it is not left there or damaged in transit.  If you foresee potential damage (water, juice, etc,) perhaps it would be a good idea to place the folder and novel in a ziploc bag in the backpack.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Week of December 4 - 8, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.
2.  A schedule for the presentation dates of the Literature Circle reading groups and the News Journal oral presentations was created and handed out today.  It would be a good idea to check your child's presentation date for the News Journal since they are all on different days.  we practiced two News Journals in class ("The Birdman" and the "Teens Find Money at McDonald's" articles) as an introduction for what is expected.
3.  Unit three Geometry test on Friday December 8, 2017.  This test will be on all lessons.  Students were given a study sheet yesterday to complement the notes taken in class.  I checked to see if the kids still had them today and reminded the class about study materials as we exited the room at the end of the day.  Students should ensure they have their ruler, protractor, and compass for the test tomorrow.
4.  Story of Stuff is due on December 14.  Organizer #2 is due in class on Friday.  We worked on it yesterday and today with modeling provided.
5.  Food AND Toy Drive items can be brought to class.  The donations are rolling in!  Thank you
6.  Francophonie Brochure due Tuesday December 12.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 42-43.  We practiced isometric drawing on triangular dot paper today at length as well as drawings of the Top, Side and Front views of a rectangular prisms on grid paper.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book report is due tomorrow.
3.  Unit three Geometry test on Friday December 8, 2017.  This test will be on all lessons.  Students were given a study sheet today to complement the notes taken in class.
4.  Story of Stuff is due on December 14.  Organizer #2 is due in class on Friday.  We worked on it yesterday and today with modeling provided.
5.  Food Drive items can be brought to class.  We have had a great start!  Way to go class!

Tuesday HW
1.  Text practice pages 104, # 1.  We practiced isometric drawing on triangular dot paper today at length as well as drawings of the Top, Side and Front views of a rectangular prisms on grid paper.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book report is due this Thursday.
3.  Unit three Geometry test on Friday December 8, 2017.  This test will be on all lessons.  Students will be given a study sheet tomorrow to complement the notes taken in class.

Monday HW
1.  Text practice pages 99-101, # 1-7
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book report is due this Thursday.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week of November 27 - December 1, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading -- the book report is due on Thursday December 7.
2.  MMS pages 40-41.

Wednesday HW
1.  In Math today we wrote the quiz.  The text activities on pages 94-95, #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 are homework to complete.  I know some parents have asked that the text be brought home, but please remember to return this heavy textbook to school tomorrow -- I have no extra copies.   If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.
4.  Math Quiz part 2 tomorrow:  Unit 3, Lesson 4 (Constructing Figures).
5.  Finish page 12 of the Social Studies Booklet.  It is due in class tomorrow.  We worked on it today and most students were already done.  If you leave the booklet at home you will be unprepared for our next class.  Ensure there are no gaps in the pages 1 to 11 as we head towards the end of term one.

Tuesday HW
1.  In Math today we continued to work on "Constructing Figures".  About half of the students are having moderate difficulty manipulating the compass.  I have modeled the technique over several classes now.  It just takes some extra time to develop the fine motor coordination to keep it steady.  We continued practicing with text activities on pages 94-95, # 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 tomorrow after corrections.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  Geometry quiz on Wednesday, November 29.  Students can use their homework book (MMS) "Quick Review" notes for each lesson as well as the notes we prepared in class on polygons and types of angles to study.  The quiz covers Unit 3, Lessons 1 and 2.
4. "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.

** I had one student come in for extra help this afternoon at my scheduled time.

Monday HW
1.  In Math today we worked for one hour on "Constructing Figures".  The main new information today was how to design an accurate drawing of a parallelogram using supplied conditions (such as side lengths and angle measures) and adding labeling.  These ideas will be applied in tonight's MMS practice on pages 38-39, which is due in class tomorrow.
We will continue practicing with text activities on pages 94-95, # 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 tomorrow after corrections.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  Geometry quiz on Wednesday, November 29.  Students can use their homework book (MMS) "Quick Review" notes for each lesson as well as the notes we prepared in class on polygons and types of angles to study.  The quiz covers Unit 3, Lessons 1 and 2.
4.  Library Book exchange tomorrow.
5.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.

** I had two students come in for extra help this morning at my scheduled time.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week of November 20 - 24, 2017

Friday HW
1.  In Math today we worked for both periods together on "Classifying Shapes Using Attributes".  The main new information this year is the introduction of reflex angles and the distinction between concave and convex polygons.  These ideas are added to existing attribute knowledge from prior grades, which we have reviewed (e.g., right, straight, acute, and obtuse angles; triangle, quadrilateral, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon; parallel sides; equal side lengths; regular and irregular polygons).  We continued practice with text activities on pages 88-89, # 4, 5, and 6.  We also corrected the MMS homework assigned Wednesday.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.
4.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars

Thursday HW
1.  MMS pages 36-37 for Friday.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.
4.  Complete the "Order of Fries with a Side of Honesty" summary (at least one paragraph, not more than two) and a reflection in which you make connections (TTT, TTS, TTW) to the article that is also one paragraph long.  This is our second practice activity that builds toward the moment when each student selects an article individually to summarize and present orally to the class.  We are practicing W5H jot note taking and looking at article selection.  This article was about three teens who found $15 000 at a McDonald's in Markham and what they did afterwards.  I provided a breakdown of the W5H jot notes for the class to copy and a note about summarizing.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 36-37 for Friday.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.

Tuesday HW
1.  Complete "The Birdman" summary (at least one paragraph, not more than two) and a reflection in which you make connections to the article that is also one paragraph long.  This is  practice activity that builds toward the moment when each student selects an article individually to summarize and present orally to the class.  We are practicing W5H jot note taking and looking at article selection.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French skit presentations continue on Wednesday.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pages 34-35.
(** Bring your protractor back to school.)
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French Skit presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of November 13 - 17, 2017

PA Day for interviews.  No School.  See you on Monday.

Thursday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.  I would appreciate the return of the envelope with a parent/guardian signature.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.
Today we reviewed the learning goals for our Geometry unit and took a note on polygons and polyhedra.  We also experimented with tangrams to design shapes to identify right angles and record side lengths with hatch marks.  We also reviewed the features of a few types of writing (narratives, non-fiction, news articles, and legends) in advance of a reading assessment next week.  Students who are absent should consult with their study buddies for tips on how to catch up before attending an extra help time:

My revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  "My Patterns" worksheet -- create two of your own patterns, with solutions for each on the reverse side of the page.  Due in class tomorrow.
4.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.

Tuesday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  "My Patterns" worksheet -- create two of your own patterns, with solutions for each on the reverse side of the page.  Due in class on Thursday.
4.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.
5.  Patterning Quiz # 2 tomorrow.
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers).

My revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Monday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out today.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Gum day tomorrow, with me in our classes together only.
4.  Patterning Quiz # 2 on Wednesday, November 15.
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers).
There is time for students to come for extra help on my revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week of November 6 - 10, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  MMS pages 10-11
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.
5.  Patterning Quiz # 2 on Wednesday, November 15. 
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers). 
There is time for students to come for extra help on my revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 8-9
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.

Tuesday HW
1.  Interview Request letters due tomorrow
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.

Monday HW
1.  Interview Request letters due on Wednesday.
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes
3.  Story of Stuff research -- Organizer # 1 is due at the end of class on Tuesday.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of October 30 - November 3, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Photo Retake day is tomorrow morning.  Students need a signed form.  The details of that retake were on the photo proof card.
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Test packs were handed out Monday.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.
4.  Story of Stuff research.  We had another cart period today, which is the fifth period for using laptops to find research material at school.
5.  Math quiz on Monday November 6.  Unit 1, Lessons one and 2 (Patterning and pattern rules).
6.  Interview letters for the Progress Report were handed out today.  Please return them with your response and three times if you wish an interview. 
I would like them back by Wednesday, November 8.

Wednesday HW
1.  Wear Red and White for tomorrow's Olympic rally!
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  MMS pages 6-7
4.  Test packs were handed out Monday.  We corrected the Story Mountain as a class today.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.
5.  Story of Stuff research.
6.  Math quiz on Monday November 6.  Unit 1, Lessons one and 2 (Patterning and pattern rules).

Tuesday HW
1.  No homework due tomorrow.  Have a safe Halloween night!
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Olympics rally waiver form returned.
4.  Test packs were handed out yesterday.  We corrected the Story Mountain as a class today.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pp.4-5
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Story of Stuff research.  We used the organizer on Friday, and the laptops in class today.
4.  Test packs were handed out today.  They should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week of October 23 - 27, 2017

Thursday HW *** We did not have time to write the agenda out today.***
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  November 3 is Photo retake day.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  The organizer sheet was reviewed on Tuesday, but not handed out.  It will be distributed on Friday in class and collected at the end of each period so it can be handed in with the final project.

Wednesday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  November 3 is Photo retake day.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Genre poster is due completed in class on Thursday morning.  We have had several periods in class to read about the genre assigned to each partner pair and to generate rough drafts.  Models of several kinds of genre posters were shared with the class as inspiration/activation rather than for straight copying.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  The organizer sheet was reviewed on Tuesday, but not handed out.  It will be distributed by Friday  It should be handed in with the final project.

Tuesday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  Order of Operations quiz tomorow.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Genre poster is due completed in class on Thursday morning.  We have had several periods in class to read about the genre assigned to each partner pair and to generate rough drafts.  Models of several kinds of genre posters were shared with the class as inspiration/activation rather than for straight copying.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  Students received an organizer sheet today.
It should be handed in with the final project.

Monday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  Order of Operations quiz on Wednesday.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  MMS pages 2 and 3.  We started a new unit on Patterning today.  Students are encouraged to use a calculator in this unit.  I have provided calculators to each student for classroom use.  If they wish they can use one at home (just not the school one).  We have also done some practice in class with calculator use.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  We have had access to laptop computers in class for two periods already.  Students received a topic sheet and watched an Introductory short documentary on the subject  (Annie Leonard's "Story of Stuff" on Youtube.  Students can watch it at home again or view it for the first tie if they were absent that day.)   Finally, students were taken through a sample for an iPhone that I shared with the class.  My sample is a model and is not the only way to present the Inquiry.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of October 16-20, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Haunted Walk tonight.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the steps of the ROM.
2.  Math Quiz on Order of Operations on Wednesday October 25
3.  Select a Story of Stuff topic for Monday.  We spent a period today using the Chromebooks to do some browsing for a suitable topic after a class demonstration on Thursday.  Students have a topic sheet for the assignment.
4.  Return Student Registration Verification sheet as soon as you can.

Tuesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk on Friday
2.  Math Quiz on Long Division on Thursday October 19
3.  Book report due Thursday this week.
4.  Return Student Registration Verification sheet as soon as you can.
5.  Get French test signed.

Monday HW
1.  Haunted Walk on Friday
2.  Math Quiz on Long Division on Thursday October 19
3.  Book report due Thursday this week.  Tell me your choice tomorrow.
4.  MMS 32-33
5.  Get French test signed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week of October 9 - 13, 2017

Wednesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk trip form and fee if coming.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Add/Subtract/Multiply quiz on Friday October 13.  (Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.)

Tuesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk trip form and fee if coming.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Add/Subtract/Multiply quiz on Friday October 13.  (Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.)
4.  MMS pages 28-29.  Skip the game on page 29.  We will play it in class.  ** You still have to do question 2 and 'Stretch Your Thinking' on page 29 though.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of October 2 - 6, 2017

** Friday is a PA Day -- No School
** Monday October 9 is Thanksgiving -- No School

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).  Due on October 12
3.  Second Draft of the Future paragraph should be done, doubled spaced, in your Writing Notebook.  Students likely had enough time to finish this in class today IF they finished last night's assigned homework.  Several students did not.  It is not my intention to give weekend homework.  I believe there was more than enough time to finish this work today in class if the students were caught up.  If not, they will have to use some of the four day weekend to catch up.
4.  Math Quiz on Friday, October 13 -- Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.

Wednesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  First Draft of the Future paragraph should be done on page 11 of the future booklet.  We practiced idea grouping in class and worked on a collaborative editing effort today in class.
4.  Photo proof sheet was sent home today.

Tuesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  MMS pages 26-27
4.  Terry Fox donations -- We are at $769 -- that is outstanding!

Monday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  MMS pages 24-25
4.  Terry Fox donations -- We are at $717 -- that is terrific generosity!  Thank you class!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of September 25 - 29, 2017

Friday HW
1   20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on October 19.  Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2.  Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3.  Terry Fox Run was yesterday-- we raised $77 more dollars today for a total of $677!  Incredible!  Collection will continue over the next 2-3 days. There is still time for those of you who want to chip in with $10 for Terry.  Many, many thanks!
4.  Math Quiz:  Unit 2, Lesson 5 and 7 on Prime/Composite numbers, Factors, and Mental Math on Monday October 2.
5.  Haunted Walk field trip letter distributed today.  Return ASAP with $10 per person.

Thursday HW
1   20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on October 19.  Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2.  Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3.  Terry Fox Run was today -- we raised $590 today!  Wow!  Collection will continue over the next 2-3 days. Thank you so much class!
4.  Math Quiz:  Unit 2, Lesson 5 and 7 on Prime/Composite numbers, Factors, and Mental Math on Monday October 2.
5.  Haunted Walk field trip letter distributed today.  Return ASAP with $10 per person.

Wednesday HW
1   20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on October 19.  Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2.  Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3.  MMS pages 22-23.  We are on the Mental math lesson of Unit 2 on Number Sense.
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5.  Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.

Tuesday HW
1   20 minutes of reading.
2.  A test pack containing some Math assessments, CASI and a snapshot of Learning Skills was given in a stapled bundle to all students present in class this morning.  This is a "TEST PACK".

  • I expect students to review it with their parent or guardian and have it signed on the front page of the bundle by a parent or guardian.  
  • I expect students to correct errors where possible.  
  • I also expect students to return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.

3.  Photo Day September 27
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.

5.  Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.

Today is a Homework Club (extra help) day after school until 4:10 PM.  I have noticed that some students have already missed more than 2 days of school this year or have arrived late /departed early.  It is very important that they come to catch up.  I am not always available in the mornings due to yard duty, but they can check with me for the next day.  Because of rotary there is rarely time within the day to catch up for missed time.  You should feel comfortable asking your child if he/she stayed to catch up with me after an absence.  I always ask them to stay, but it can be hard to verify if the reason for declining is legitimate.  Together we can stay on top of this.

Monday HW
1   20 minutes of reading.
2.  MMS pages 20-21
3.  Photo Day September 27
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5.  Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week of September 18 - 22, 2017

Friday HW
1  Treasure Hunt -- page 4 of Social Studies Booklet.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  Photo Day September 27
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5.  Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.

  • I have marked all the quizzes to date.  I am still waiting for a couple to be finished by absent students.  I will send home a bundle as a test pack for you to review and sign at the top.  Please have your child complete corrections and then bring the whole bundle back so I can verify that you've seen it.
  • Today we did a CASI assessment.  I will start marking it this weekend and hopefully be done shortly.
  • Homework club next week is on Tuesday after school.

Thursday HW
1  Treasure Hunt -- page 3 of Social Studies Booklet.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  Photo Day September 27
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.

Wednesday HW
1  Math Quiz Unit 2, Lessons 1,2,3, and 4 on Thursday September 21.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  Photo Day September 27
4.  Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.

Tuesday HW
1  Math Quiz Unit 2, Lessons 1,2,3, and 4 on Thursday September 21.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  22 students said they want to attend the Haunted Walk trip.  The trip will go forward.  The proposed date is Friday, October 20 from about 6-9 PM after school.  More details and cost will appear in an upcoming field trip letter.
4.  Journal:  "How does your puzzle show a growth mindset?"  Minimum one page, double spaced.  Be sure to consult the editing support I have already given you when composing this journal.
5.  Social Studies Inquiry research projects were handed in Monday.  A few students were unready but did not come to Tuesday's homework club for support.

Monday HW
1  Math Quiz Unit 2, Lessons 1,2,3, and 4 on Thursday September 21.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  Declare your Haunted Walk trip interest tomorrow.  The proposed date is Friday, October 20 from about 6-9 PM after school.
4.  MMS pages 18-129
5.  Social Studies Inquiry research projects were handed in today.  We reviewed how to make questions with slideshow prompts on three separate occasions in the last 10 days.  Some students, through a combination of absences or appointments may still be unclear on how to form a personal question.  There is good news:  if those students needing extra support can come to Homework Club on Tuesday (tomorrow) after school, I can go through the process with them once again.  I am reviewing the questions in advance of one to one conferences to ensure the questions are feasible , achievable and contain enough depth to merit extended inquiry.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of September 11-15, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Math Quiz on Unit 2, Lessons 1,2,3,4 on Thursday September 21.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.

Thursday HW
1.  MMS Pg. 16 and p. 17 'Stretch Your Thinking' only.  We will play the game in class tomorrow.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.
6.  Curriculum Night tomorrow after school at 6 PM and 6:40 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS Pg. 14-15
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.
6.  Curriculum Night tomorrow after school at 6 PM and 6:40 PM

Tuesday HW
1.  Hand in Math Operations sheets #1 to 4 tomorrow if you haven't already.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Keep thinking about a Social Studies Inquiry project question.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.

Monday HW
1.  MMS duotang pages 12-13
2.  Math quiz on Math Operations sheets #1 to 4 tomorrow.
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
5.  Keep thinking about a Social Studies Inquiry project question.
6.  Book report book reading.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week of September 5-8, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Parent information package forms due -- hand back the last seven pages.
2.  Sign Book Report package.  Select a book to read that meets the criteria outlined.  It should be a book the student didn't already read this summer.
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  Think about a social studies inquiry project question for a research topic you are interested in.  We discussed what some questions could look like in class and modeled a few.  The should reflect the "Canada's Interactions with Global Communities" area.

5.  Math Operations # 4 due for Monday.  There will be a quiz on all four on Tuesday next week.

Thursday HW
1.  Parent information package forms due -- hand back the last seven pages.
2.  Locks/Agenda/Yearbook -- $38.  Students can bring their own lock (3 number style only) and then deduct $6 from the price ($32)
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  A Binder may be a good purchase, as well as a small pencil case and extra pens and pencils for rotary travel.
5.  Math Operations # 3 due for Friday.  There will be a fourth one tomorrow and a quiz on all four on Tuesday next week.

Getting the hang of the rhythm of a rotary day is still challenging for a fair few of the students.  I continue to greet them near their lockers when I am available to ensure they are assembling the correct materials to carry for each half day.  Excitement sometimes means they are not hearing my reminders.  To further help out I gave a third schedule copy for each students agenda and a fourth large copy to be kept at home.  

As well, I would greatly appreciate the return of the bundle of forms.  I've gathered most of the money from the class, but just under half of the class forms are still outstanding.  Gathering them over several days is preventing me from getting going on our lessons each day.  Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday HW
1.  Parent information package forms due -- hand back the last seven pages.
2.  Locks/Agenda/Yearbook -- $38.  Students can bring their own lock (3 number style only) and then deduct $6 from the price ($32)
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  A Binder may be a good purchase, as well as a small pencil case and extra pens and pencils for rotary travel.
5.  Math Operations # 2 due for Thursday.

The students received their locker assignments today and most had locks to place on them.  This was a big adventure for them and took considerable time.  We are still working on mastery.  Everyone will get there eventually.  I reminded them that the combinations should not be shared with friends or classmates.

Thursday will represent the most regular day they have experienced thus far.  Potential stumbles would include bringing the proper books on their travels (no backpacks or return visits to lockers after the morning and lunch visits) and timeliness of movement to the next class.  Please encourage your child to stay focused on the transition to the next class.  I appreciate the help!

Tuesday HW
1.  Parent information package forms due -- hand back the last seven pages.
2.  Locks/Agenda/Yearbook -- $38.  Students can bring their own lock (3 number style only) and then deduct $6 from the price ($32)
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  A Binder may be a good purchase.
5.  Math Operations # 1 due for Wednesday.

Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year!

Greetings to the new and returning students in my class for 2017-18!  I'm looking forward to meeting and reconnecting with all of you during this first week.  We will jump right in to the school year with some ice breaker activities and some Math and Language reviews.  As the first week goes by we will be preparing for the first Math unit in Number Sense and the first Language activities with News Journals and a novel study.  There are some significant changes that come with Grade 6 following a middle school model this year, not the least of which is -- LOCKERS!  It will be an adventure for sure!

This blog, which is entering its eighth continuous year, will function as a daily homework listing and be archived as each week ends.  Be sure to check out my class web page at all year long.  My current updates are in progress but should be complete by next week.  Plenty of useful stuff is posted, including downloads of class handouts which you should use to replace lost work.  As part of my Eco-Schools effort I am reducing the number of extra photocopies I am producing.  Usually the document can be downloaded and printed by students, using my web page as needed, by students.

At the bottom of this blog page is a calendar for the year.  I will be updating it for the new year.  I also use the calendar to make note of tests, field trips and other school events.  I urge you to subscribe to the blog posts to receive daily updates of your child's activity.  I do make time each day for agenda writing by the students and you should ask to see that book on a daily basis, but this page is a useful complement to that routine.  I will not be signing agendas each day, but you are welcome to do so and include any notes in it that you would like to have me look over. Please have your child alert me to the note in the morning.  

Let's have a great year!

Monday, June 12, 2017

Week of June 12 - 16, 2017

Monday June 12 HW
1.  Field Trip forms (St. Lawrence Market walking tour) returned ASAP.  The trip is this Friday, June 16 and is free.
2.  Social Studies Project research.  The internet access at our school can be unreliable.  Students should ensure they have done some checking on their own.  There will be daily progress checks and conferences.  Come prepared.
3.  The return of the Yogourty's visit on Friday June 23 during periods 5 and 6 -- based on popular request.  We will make a quick walking trip trip down to Bloor for a year-end treat.  Each student should pay for their own treat.  I anticipate that $10 would be more than enough.  Based on allergy issues that have been identified this year and last year I know of no obstacles on that front.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Week of May 15 - 19, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  162-63
2.  Percent quiz Friday
3.  Science Fair -- afternoon May 25 (Thursday) period 5 and 6.

Wednesday HW
1. MMS 160-61
2.  Percent quiz Friday
3.  Science Fair -- afternoon May 25 (Thursday) period 5 and 6.

Monday HW
1.  Math Quiz -- Percent -- on Friday May 19.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Week of May 8 - 12, 2017

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS p. 156-57
2.  Literature Circles Work due on Wednesday morning for presentation.
3.  Electricity project due on May 15.  Bring a display board to school if you do not want to use the bristol board that I have.
4.  CASI on Friday

Monday HW
1.  MMS p. 130-131
2.  Library Book Exchange tomorrow
3.  Literature Circles Work due on Wednesday morning for presentation.
4.  Electricity project due on May 15.  Bring a display board to school if you do not want to use the bristol board that I have.
5.  CASI on Friday

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week of May 1 - 5, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Math Unit 8 Quiz on Lessons 1, 2, and 3.
2.  Electricity project due on May 15.  We will be working on the car itself this week.  It might be a good idea to bring a shoebox to school to safely store your work-in-progress vehicle.   You may also want to acquire a display board for your presentation, unless you are satisfied with the bristol board sheet I can provide.
3.  Please return Band and Strings Selection forms for May 5.
4.  Next Literature Circle presentation is on Wednesday morning May 10. Reading is ongoing.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS pages 124-25
2.  Electricity project due on May 15.  We will be working on the car itself this week.
3.  Math Quiz on Unit 8:  Proper and Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Equivalent Fractions.  Quiz on Friday May 5.
4.  Couchiching form and fee.
5.  Literature Circle presentation is on Wednesday morning May 3.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pages 122-23
2.  Electricity project due on May 15.  We worked for two periods today on pages 1 to 3 of the design portfolio and it was marked.
3.  Couchiching form and fee.
4.  Literature Circle presentation is on Wednesday morning May 3.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Week of April 24 - 28, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Literature Circles Work for Week One is due Wednesday morning next week.
2.  We are one month out from EQAO.  Please do not schedule appointments for your child during the week of May 29 - June 2.  Thanks you!  Our last two units are Fractions/Decimals/Per Cent/ Rates/ Ratios (a long-ish one) and Probability (a short one).
3.  Couchiching trip form and fee are due on April 28.  I have received about a third of the class's forms.
4.  Surveys to be be handed in on April 28.  Thank you for your cooperation in gathering data for the TDSB to assist its decision making.
5.  MMS 120-121
6.  Electricity project due May 15.  I have basic electrical supplies available at cost ($6.00) if you would rather than source them on your own.

Tuesday HW
1.  Test packs were due today with corrections and a parent signature.  Please return ASAP.
2.  We are one month out from EQAO.  Please do not schedule appointments for your child during the week of May 29 - June 2.  Thanks you!  Our last two units are Fractions/Decimals/Per Cent/ Rates/ Ratios (a long-ish one) and Probability (a short one).
3.  Couchiching trip form and fee are due on April 28.  I have received about a third of the class's forms.
4.  Surveys to be be handed in on April 28.  Thank you for your cooperation in gathering data for the TDSB to assist its decision making.
5.  MMS 112-113
6.  Electricity project due May 15.  I have basic electrical supplies available at cost ($6.00) if you would rather than source them on your own.

Monday HW
1.  Test packs were due today with corrections and a parent signature.  Please return ASAP.
2.  We are one month out from EQAO.  Please do not schedule appointments for your child during the week of May 29 - June 2.  Thanks you!  Our last two units are Fractions/Decimals/Per Cent/ Rates/ Ratios (a long-ish one) and Probability (a short one).
3.  Couchiching trip form and fee are due on April 28.  I have received about a third of the class's forms.
4.  Surveys to be be handed in on April 28.  Thank you for your cooperation in gathering data for the TDSB to assist its decision making.
5.  MMS 110-111
6.  Electricity project due May 15.  I have basic electrical supplies available at cost ($6.00) if you would rather than source them on your own.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week of April 18 - 21, 2017

Wednesday HW
1.  Surveys for parents were handed out today.  Please return them by April 28.
2.  Couchiching form and fee due on April 28.
3.  Persuasive essay (5 paragraphs, with a minimum of five sentences per paragraph) due to the Google Classroom on Friday April 21.
4.  Volume and Surface Area test on Friday April 21 -- rectangular and triangular prisms.

5.  Test pack signed, corrected and returned by Friday April 28.
6.  MMS 92-93
7.  Electricity project (electric vehicle) is due May 15.  I sold about a dozen bags of basic material at cost to students today.  The bag contains a battery lead, 4 wheels, a motor, two pulleys, and a motor mount.  They cost six dollars in total.  I have about seven bags remaining.  Students are not obliged to purchase from me -- I offer the materials as a service to save driving about to source them.  I cannot replace lost or broken parts unfortunately due to supply limits.  I will sell more on Monday.
** I am at a workshop all day tomorrow.  Mr. Hallman-Chong will be the substitute for the day.

Tuesday HW
1.  Surveys for parents were handed out today.  Please return them by April 28.
2.  Couchiching form and fee due on April 28.
3.  Persuasive essay (5 paragraphs, with a minimum of five sentences per paragraph) due to the Google Classroom on Friday April 21.
4.  Volume and Surface Area test on Friday April 21 -- rectangular and triangular prisms.
5.  Test pack signed, corrected and returned by Friday April 28.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pages 146-47 (spent one period of class on this today), and MMS 90-91.
2.  Couchiching form and fee due on April 28.
3.  Persuasive essay (5 paragraphs, with a minimum of five sentences per paragraph) due to the Google Classroom on Friday April 21.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week of April 10-14, 2017

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS 144-45.  This is our last work on Area and Volume before our upcoming quizzes which are TBA..
2.  Earbuds for Africville webquest.  A topic sheet was shared on Thursday.  We did participate in the webquest today already.  We will have one more crack at it in class on Thursday.
3.  TIFF trip is tomorrow.  Students need a lunch and proper clothing for the weather conditions that day.  It is forecast to be about 12 degrees tomorrow so long pants and a light jacket are probably advised.  Please meet at the flagpole at 8:20 AM.  The film begins at the scheduled time and will not be delayed if we are late.
4.  Couchiching trip form and fee due on April 28.
5.  One point perspective art and Constellation page due on Thursday this week.

Monday HW
1.  MMS 88-89; 142-43.  We had time to work on these pages on Friday and today.
2.  Earbuds for Africville webquest.  A topic sheet was shared on Thursday.
3.  TIFF trip on Wednesday.  Students need a lunch and proper clothing for the weather conditions that day.  Please meet at the flagpole at 8:20 AM.  The film begins at the scheduled time and will not be delayed if we are late.
4.  Couchiching trip form and fee due on April 28.
5.  One point perspective art and Constellation page due on Thursday this week.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week of April 3 - 7, 20127

Thursday HW
1.  Perimeter and Area Quiz on Friday.  Students were given a study sheet with formula statements and two practice questions today.
2.  D Cell battery.
3.  MMS 86-87 (from unit 6), started in class today.
4.  Cartoon enlargement due, mounted, on Friday.
5.  TIFF tip on April 12.  Meet at 8:20 AM at the flagpole.

Tuesday HW
1.  Perimeter and Area Quiz on Friday.
2.  D Cell battery.
3.  Book Report due Thursday.
4.  Cartoon enlargement due, mounted, on Friday.
5.  TIFF tip on April 12.  Meet at 8:20 AM at the flagpole.

Monday HW
1.  Last Geometry Quiz tomorrow.
2.  Bring a small empty box to class tomorrow.
3.  D Cell battery.
4.  Book Report due Thursday.
5.  Cartoon enlargement due, mounted, on Friday.
6.  MMS pages 140-41
7.  TIFF tip on April 12.  Meet at 8:20 AM at the flagpole.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week of March 27 - 31, 2017

Friday HW
1.  One D-Cell battery for Science class if possible.
2.  Bring a small box to class that you can unfold to make flat
3.  Reasons for thesis statement for persuasive essay were reviewed with feedback today.  Students had some difficulty coming up with a distinct third reason generally.  We will start creating support details next week and should be done writing the essay by next Friday.
4.  Book Report Reading.  Due April 6.
5.  Final Math Geometry quiz Tuesday on Transformations and Line and Rotational Symmetry (unit 7).
6.  TIFF Kids trip is coming up on  Wednesday, April 12.  We will assemble outdoors at 8:20 AM near the flagpole to prepare for 8:30 AM TTC departure.

Thursday HW
1.  One D-Cell battery for Science class if possible.
2.  MMS 138-39
3.  Reasons for thesis statement for persuasive essay.  I reviewed all thesis statements and provided feedback this week.
4.  Book Report Reading.
5.  Math Geometry quiz Friday on Congruent and Similar figures, and Line and Rotational Symmetry (unit 7, lessons 3,4,5, and 6).  There is another Geometry quiz early next week.
6.  Twin Day tomorrow!
7.  Pizza Lunch tomorrow.

Wednesday HW
1.  One D-Cell battery for Science class if possible.
2.  MMS 136-37
3.  Reasons for thesis statement for persuasive essay.  I reviewed all thesis statements and provided feedback today.
4.  Book Report Reading.
5.  Math Geometry quiz Friday on Congruent and Similar figures, and Line and Rotational Symmetry (unit 7, lessons 3,4,5, and 6).  There is another Geometry quiz early next week.

Tuesday HW
1.  One D-Cell battery for Science class if possible.
2.  MMS 134-35
3.  Reasons for thesis statement for persuasive essay.  I reviewed all thesis statements and provided feedback today.
4.  Book Report Reading.
5.  Math Geometry quiz tomorrow on Transformations and Combined Transformations (unit 7).  There is another Geometry quiz on Friday.
6.  Constellation myth story is due on Wednesday in the Google Classroom for printing.  This is a two page story based upon a source myth that each student received in class.  A particular focus is the correct use of dialogue structure and punctuation.  Students have resources to check is they need a refresher on these structures.

Monday HW
1.  One D-Cell battery for Science class if possible.
2.  MMS 132-33
3.  Thesis Statement for persuasive essay.  I asked students to consider this all of last week while we pursued a progression of steps towards making a persuasive essay.  I collected the five in-class activities today for marking.
4.  Book Report Reading.
5.  Math Geometry quiz on Wednesday this week on Transformations and Combined Transformations (unit 7).
6.  Constellation myth story is due on Wednesday in the Google Classroom for printing.  This is a two page story based upon a source myth that each student received in class.  A particular focus is the correct use of dialogue structure and punctuation.  Students have resources to check is they need a refresher on these structures.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week of March 20 - 24, 2017

Happy Spring!

Thursday HW
1.  TIFF Kids form and fee
2.  MMS 106-07.  This work is on
3.  Library Book exchange tomorrow.
4.  We continued our work on persuasive writing today with a fifth lesson on writing the Conclusion for a mini-essay on Smoking.   We also looked at a clip from the Simpsons "Monorail" episode to see what advertising techniques for persuasiveness can look like.  The sheets will eventually cover five lessons on the topic and will be collected in a bundle as an in-class assessment.  As this progresses, students should continue to think of a topic about which they would like to write persuasively.  We explored some topics of personal interest in class today.
5.  Next book report is due on Thursday April 6, 2017.  Reading for it should be underway.

Wednesday HW
1.  TIFF Kids form and fee
2.  MMS 106-07.  This work is on Rotational Symmetry,  We used tracing paper and learned proper vocabulary structures to describe it.  We also noted links between line symmetry and rotational symmetry.
3.  Cartoon panels were present for 20 of 28 students.  I encourage the remaining students to secure one ASAP.
4.  We continued our work on persuasive writing today with a fourth lesson on completing a mini-essay on Smoking.   The sheets will eventually cover five lessons on the topic and will be collected in a bundle as an in-class assessment.  As this progresses, students should continue to think of a topic about which they would like to write persuasively.  We explored some topics of personal interest in class today.
5.  Next book report is due on Thursday April 6, 2017.  Reading for it should be underway.

Tuesday HW
1.  TIFF Kids form and fee
2.  MMS 104-05.  This work is on Line Symmetry,  We used tracing paper and learned proper vocabulary structures to describe it.  We also noted links between line symmetry and rotational symmetry.
3.  We continued our work on persuasive writing today with a lesson on "loaded" words and linking devices.  Students were provided with suggested vocabulary improvements to use to create a persuasive tone.  The sheets will eventually cover five lessons on the topic and will be collected in a bundle as an in-class assessment.  As this progresses, students should continue to think of a topic about which they would like to write persuasively.
4.  Next book report is due on Thursday April 6, 2017.  You should be reading from a book you've chosen by now.

Monday HW
1.  TIFF Kids form and fee.
2.  MMS 102-103.  This is work on Similar Figures that was begun before the break.
3.  Think about a topic and thesis you might like to write a persuasive essay about.  We are introducing persuasive writing with the essay format in a step by step way.  Today's focus was on turning a topic (usually a noun, such as "smoking") into a thesis (a short sentence that gives an opinion about the topic e.g., "Smoking is harmful to people.").  We also looked at using a graphic organizer to plan reasons and support details for each part of the five paragraph essay.
4.  Bring a cartoon to school for Art class.  An example could be a panel from "Pooch Cafe", "Peanuts", or "Calvin and Hobbes".  These are easy to locate online (e.g., Google search) and print using the snipping tool in Windows, or some similar application on Apple computers.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week of March 6 - 10, 2017

Wednesday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.

Tuesday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.
2.  MMS 98-99.
3.  Math Quiz #4 for unit 4 (Lessons 10-12, multiplying and dividing decimals) tomorrow.

Monday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.
2.  MMS 98-99.
3.  Math Quiz #4 for unit 4 (Lessons 10-12, multiplying and dividing decimals) on Wednesday March 8.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week of February 27 - March 3, 2017

Thursday HW
1. We are out of Kleenex style facial tissue.  The cold and flu season has hit our class hard.  If you can spare a box or two, our class would appreciate it.  Thank you for the donations received to date.
2.  Please let me know if your child would like to order the $4.00 snack pack available for our upcoming TIFF kids field trip.  The permission forms are coming home this week.  The price is still being set.  The package includes popcorn and a 500 mL bottle of water.  The film is at 9:45 AM so sugary drinks are probably not a good idea.  This is a reasonable price for those wanting a snack with their film-viewing.
3.  Book Fair visit this Friday, March 3 at 10:45 AM.  Bring money if you want to purchase items.
4.  Math Unit 4 quiz tomorrow on Lessons 8 (Dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000. 10 000) and 9 (Multiplying decimals by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)

Wednesday HW
1. We are out of Kleenex style facial tissue.  The cold and flu season has hit our class hard.  If you can spare a box or two, our class would appreciate it.
2.  Please let me know if your child would like to order the $4.00 snack pack available for our upcoming TIFF kids field trip.  The permission forms are coming home this week.  The price is still being set.  The package includes popcorn and a 500 mL bottle of water.  The film is at 9:45 AM so sugary drinks are probably not a good idea.  This is a reasonable price for those wanting a snack with their film-viewing.
3.  Book Fair visit this Friday, March 3 at 10:45 AM.  Bring money if you want to purchase items.
4.  Math Unit 4 quiz Friday on Lessons 8 (Dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000. 10 000) and 9 (Multiplying decimals by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)

Tuesday HW
1.  We are out of Kleenex style facial tissue.  The cold and flu season has hit our class hard.  If you can spare a box or two, our class would appreciate it.
2.  MMS 96-97.  This is a new unit on Transformation Geometry.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week of February 20-24, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Ski trip is cancelled due to weather conditions.  All forms and fees will be returned today.  Please do not send in any more.
2.  MMS 62-63
3.  Read a bit about the constellation you chose, especially myths from different cultures that view these star patterns.
4.  Report Card envelopes and slips

Wednesday HW
1.  Please hold off on ski trip trip forms and fees while we assess the weather and feasibility of the trip.
2.  Refresh your memory fo the basic facts of the fairy tale you slected for the fractured fairy tale -- names, motivations, outcomes.
3.  Report Card envelopes and slips.

Tuesday HW
1.  Ski Trip form and fee ASAP.
2.  MMS 60-61
3.  Report Card Envelopes and slips
4.  Choose a fractured fairy tale for a POV story.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Week of February 13 - 17, 2017

PA Day on Friday February 17 -- No School.

Wednesday HW
Again we had about seven students away for all or part of the day.  We did move forward in Math, introducing the Division of decimals by 10, 100, 1000.
1.  Library Book Exchange was today.  Be sure you return your overdue books.
2.  Math Quiz -- Thursday February 16 on Unit 4, Lessons 6 and 7.
3.  Please return report card envelopes and the page four slip with a signature on it.
4.  Venn diagram comparing Rosa Parks and Viola Desmond is due in the Google Classroom on Friday February 17.  In your browser type in and have students use their personal user names and passwords to log in.  Files must be submitted as attachments in the classroom, rather than shared with me.

Tuesday HW
We had between 10 and 12 students absent today for a variety of reasons.  Consequently we did not start new work.  We used the time to complete some Computer tasks (Water Survey and Spreadsheet; Venn Drawing) and view a Space related film -- IMAX -Hubble)
1.  Library Book Exchange tomorrow.  Be sure you return your Literature Circle novel.
2.  Math Quiz -- Thursday February 16 on Unit 4, Lessons 6 and 7.
3.  Report cards were handed out today.  Please return the envelope with a signature to indicate you have received it.

Monday HW
1.  Water use activity due for Tuesday morning on Google Classroom.  Be sure to submit TWO files:  a Doc and a Sheet.  Also ensure that your name is in the title somewhere for each one.
2.  MMS pages 56-57.
3.  Math Quiz Thursday February 16 on Unit 4, Lessons 6 and 7.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week of February 06 - 10, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Water Use Tally continues tonight.  About 20 of the students had their results ready today.  There is a Google Classroom assignment on this activity due on February 14.
2.  The Country Brochure is due tomorrow.
3.  MMS 54-55

Wednesday HW
1.  Water Use Tally continues tonight.  About 20 of the students had their results ready today.  There is a Google Classroom assignment on this activity due on February 14.
2.  The Country Brochure is due this Friday.  We had our final (of three) class periods this week
3.  Book Report is due tomorrow.
4.  Test pack handed out today.  Due with corrections and parent signature by next Monday, February 13.
5.  Rosa Parks/Viola Desmond Venn Diagram with collage elements.  Work with your timeline partner.  Due on February 15.  We read extensively on Rosa Parks and had a presentation in the Library on Viola Desmond last week.

Tuesday HW
1.  Water Use Tally continues tonight.  About 20 of the students had their results ready today.  There is a Google Classroom assignment on this activity due on February 14.
2.  Who Am I? and Haiku Art assignments are due in class on Wednesday.
3.  The Country Brochure is due this Friday.
4.  Book Report is due on Thursday this week.
5.  Math Quiz -- Unit 4, Lessons 1-5.  tomorrow.  We modeled types of questions for the first 12 marks on the test in class today.
6.  Test pack handed out today.  Due with corrections and parent signature by next Monday, February 13.

Monday HW
*  Interview letters were handed out on Friday from me and Ms. Nitsis.  Check your child's agenda for yours.  Mine are on yellow sheets.

1.  Water Use Tally starts tonight.  A surprising number of students disputed the estimated amounts of litres used in the two sources I provided.  Hopefully this isn't 'post-fact' thinking and is just surprise.  We'll see when the tally estimates start coming in.
2.  MMS pages 52-53.  This is homework practice that applies to Wednesday's quiz.
3.  After several class periods over 3 weeks, the Who Am I? and Haiku Art assignments are due in class on Wednesday.  I estimate that there are about students that still have work to complete on those, out of thirty.
4.  The Country Brochure is due this Friday.  We had a period to work on it today and will have two more before the due date.  To date we've have just over 20 classes to work with partners on it, and most of them are nearly done.
5.  Book Report is due on Thursday this week.
6.  Math Quiz -- Unit 4, Lessons 1-5.  Wednesday, February 8, 2017.
7.  Test pack handed out today.  Due with corrections and parent signature by next Monday, February 13.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week of January 30 - February 3, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  MMS 50-51.
2.  Book Report reading -- the report is due on February 9, 2017 (next Thursday)
3.  Pictures for brochure.

Wednesday HW
1.  Book Report Reading and creating for next Thursday's due date.  Have the title o your novel in class tomorrow.
2.  Return overdue test packs with signatures.
Tuesday HW
1.  MMS 48-49
2.  Book Report reading -- the report is due on February 9, 2017 (next Thursday)
3.  Pictures for brochure.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pages 46-47.
2.  Continue to gather photos and pictures for your brochure.  The good copies will be handed out tomorrow.
3.  Return overdue test packs with signatures.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week of January 23 - 27, 2017

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS pages 44-45.
2.  Once again, there is a field trip to the Ontario Science Centre on Thursday this week.  Be sure to pack a lunch for the day.  We will be back at school in time for regular dismissal.  There are two parent volunteers confirmed for the trip.  I have room for one more at the same price as the students ($24) if anyone is interested.

Monday HW
1.  Continue to source photos or other pictures for your Social Studies brochure.  We continue to work on it in class each day.
2.  There is a field trip to the Ontario Science Centre on Thursday this week.  Be sure to pack a lunch for the day.  We will be back at school in time for regular dismissal.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Week of January 16 - 20, 2017

There is no school on Friday January 20 -- PA Day

Wednesday HW
1.  Ontario Science Centre trip form.  Please return it with the fee of $24 by Thursday January 19.
(***If your child is not attending, I request that you send the form back with a NO response and some indication about whether your child will still come to school on that day.  If so I will make alternative arrangements for him/her.)
2.  Think about collecting photos for your Brochure collage tonight and over the long weekend.  There is no access to a colour printer at school for this.  We have made pair groups and selected countries for the assignment.  If your child was present at school today he/she knows their partner and their country topic.  The topic sheet is in the Social Studies ACT Pack booklet on page 19, followed by rubrics, success criteria and organizers for each of the four main parts.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Week of January 9 -13, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Think about a topic and a partner for the Social Studies brochure activity in class on page 19 of the ACT Pack booklet.  We moved closer to choosing a country topic today.
2.  Math Data Management Unit test on Monday January 16.  make sure you have a ruler.
5.  Field Trip Form for Ontario Science Centre.  I think I can take three parents.

Thursday HW
1.  Loonie for Lice Checks.  Our check happened yesterday at 2:05 PM.
2.  Social Studies Import/Export questions on page 9 of the ACT Pack booklet.  We reviewed the material on the whiteboard and answered question 1 as a class.  Students should have good grounding to complete the remainder.
3.  Think about a topic and a partner for the Social Studies brochure activity in class on page 19 of the ACT Pack booklet.  We moved closer to choosing a country topic today.
4.  Math Data Management Unit test on Monday January 16.  make sure you have a ruler.
5.  Biodiversity project is due on Friday.  I will be providing no further class time for it.  Students are free to work on it at Homework Cub or during recess times when I don't have duty.  No mornings are available.  As of  today (Wednesday January 11) at 4:30 PM  I printed everything that was submitted to me.  Other printing will have to be done on your own at home after that time.

Wednesday HW
1.  Loonie for Lice Checks.  Our check happened today at 2:05 PM.
2.  Social Studies Map Projections questions on page 7 of the ACT Pack booklet.  We reviewed the material on the whiteboard and answered question 4 as a class.  Students should have good grounding to complete the remainder.
3.  Think about a topic and a partner for the Social Studies brochure activity in class on page 19 of the ACT Pack booklet.
4.  Biodiversity project is due on Friday.  I will be providing no further class time for it.  Students are free to work on it at Homework Cub or during recess times when I don't have duty.  No mornings are available.  As of  today (Wednesday January 11) at 4:30 PM  I printed everything that was submitted to me.  Other printing will have to be done on your own at home after that time.

Tuesday HW
1.  Loonie for Lice Checks
2.  Social Studies journal entry on page 6 of the ACT Pack booklet.
3.  Ensure that your Treasure Hunt page is complete and at school tomorrow.  A number of students have lost the original or left the complete one at home.  A back up copy is available on pages 3-4 of the ACT Pack booklet.
4.  Biodiversity project is due on Friday.  I will be providing no further class time for it.  Students are free to work on it at Homework Cub or during recess times when I don't have duty.  No mornings are available.  The last day that I will print work is on Wednesday January 11 by 4:30 PM.  Other printing will have to be done on your own at home after that time.

Monday HW
1.  Loonie for Lice Checks
2.  Math page 199 # 1 and 2. We spent a considerable amount of time today determining how to make a good question for a survey.
3.  Select a survey question.  If you don't want to create your own, you can use one of the ones we corrected from page 199 #2.  Remember that we are trying to avoid a simplistic "What's your favourite..." style of inquiry.
4.  Biodiversity project is due on Friday.  I will be providing no further class time for it.  Students are free to work on it at Homework Cub or during recess times when I don't have duty.  No mornings are available.  The last day that I will print work is on Wednesday January 11 by 4:30 PM.  Other printing will have to be done on your own at home after that time.