Monday, September 29, 2014

Week of September 29 - October 3, 2014

I have attempted to address the "Subscribe" issue on this blog.  There is an RSS chiclet at the top of the page (the orange tab with radar waves) that would allow you to subscribe via "My Yahoo" or "netvibes".  The "atom" option seems to produce a page of html code with which I don't know what to do, so I would disregard that choice.  I removed that Atom line from the bottom of the blog but it still shows up here.  Let me know via the agenda if there are further problems and I'll keep looking for other adjustments.  Thank you.

Friday Notes:
1.  Congratulations to the Cross Country runners in room 365 today for their race effort.  Way to go!
2.  Our class will have its first Terry Fox fundraising reward on Monday:  Gum day and Hat day.  The second event will take place on Tuesday:  a free period during period 6.
3.  Our book report package will be handed out on Monday.  The due date is October 16.  If you want an early look, the package is downloadable/viewable here:

I will have a printed copy available on Monday.  Remember that it is a response to literature, not a summary.  The expected length is about one page.
Have a good weekend!

Thursday HW
1.  Math Quiz #2 on Subtraction and Multiplication on Friday October 3.  Study resources include the MMS homework book (Quick Review and practice sections) and the text book ("Connect" sections from the relevant lessons: lessons 5,6,7,8).
2.  Ensure that you have a DEAR time book in class each day.  About a quarter of the class are making a daily visit to my book spinner to select a book each session.  As a result, they do not form any connection with the text over time.  It would be better to select one that they can spend a while with, as those books are usually a bit more of a challenge than a comic book.
3.  Finish up "information" notes in your "A Person I Admire" planner.

Wednesday HW
1.  Bike Rodeo tomorrow.  Bring a helmet and a lock.
2.  MMS page 24 only.
3.  Math Quiz #2 on Subtraction and Multiplication on Friday October 3.  Study resources include the MMS homework book (Quick Review and practice sections) and the text book ("Connect" sections from the relevant lessons: lessons 5,6,7,8).
4. Finish up "information" notes in your "A Person I Admire" planner.

Tuesday HW
1.  Complete three questions for each block of the "People I Admire" question planner (W5H: who, what, where, when, why, how).  We worked on this for about 45 minutes in class with examples using Terry Fox and Superman.  The focus was on developing good questions using the Q-Chart on display in class so that students would discover meaningful details to write a profile of an admirable person.
2.  Math Quiz #2 on Subtraction and Multiplication on Friday October 3.  Study resources include the MMS homework book (Quick Review and practice sections) and the text book ("Connect" sections from the relevant lessons: lessons 5,6,7,8).
3.  The Bike Rodeo for our class takes place on Thursday, October 2 from 9 AM to 10:30 AM in the Runnymede Yard with Officer Berridge supervising.  Students who plan to participate should bring their bikes to school that morning together with a lock and properly fitted helmet.  Please inform me of your plan to participate or not to participate.

Monday HW
1.  The Bike Rodeo for our class takes place on Thursday, October 2 from 9 AM to 10:30 AM in the Runnymede Yard with Officer Berridge supervising.  Students who plan to participate should bring their bikes to school that morning together with a lock and properly fitted helmet.  Please inform me of your plan to participate or not to participate.
2.  MMS HW book pages 22-23.
3.  Math quiz tomorrow on Addition (estimation and exact calculation).  Students should be familiar with exact calculations in addition as well as estimation using:
  • Rounding to the nearest 100;
  • "Front End" estimation;
  • Compensation;
  • Adding on.
These techniques are explained in the Quick Review portion of the relevant lessons in the MMS Homework duo-tangs, and also in the Connect sections of those same lessons in the textbook.  We have charted these methods in class and taken care to show the difference between Exact Calculations and Estimation.  These measures are related but cannot be used interchangeably for responses on the quiz.  Students should read everything carefully in the instruction section to know which form to use.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week of September 22 - 27, 2014

Please note:
I have updated my webpage.  Some students thought there was a field trip on Thursday this week.  The date on that notice was 2013. 

There is no scheduled trip to the Legislature as yet.

Friday HW
I want to sincerely thank the families in room 365 for their unbelievable generosity in donating to the Terry Fox Run.  Our class total, which may still rise, was $1723.00.  That number, which includes funds in hand as well as online, is about four times greater than any previous year for my group.  Several extended families donated quite large sums, but all donations are gratefully accepted and celebrated in the spirit of Terry's statement that "even if you give a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope".  Please accept the gratitude of our school's run committee.

1.  We have a Math Quiz on addition, and addition estimation, on Tuesday September 30.  Students should be familiar with exact calculations in addition as well as estimation using:

  • Rounding to the nearest 100;
  • "Front End" estimation;
  • Compensation.

These techniques are explained in the Quick Review portion of the relevant lessons in the MMS Homework duo-tangs, and also in the Connect sections of those same lessons in the textbook.  We have charted these methods in class and taken care to show the difference between Exact Calculations and Estimation.  These measures are related but cannot be used interchangeably for responses on the quiz.  Students should read everything carefully in the instruction section to know which form to use.
2.  Students should have chosen a figure to write about by Monday for the "A Person I Admire" biography.  No written work needs to be done yet -- only a topic selected.
3.  Book report reading is ongoing.

Thursday HW
1.  Terry Fox donations.  We are collecting until Monday.  We had great spirit shown today.
2.  Choose a person by Monday to write your report about.  We start working on the report on Monday.
3.  Spelling text book work:  page 10, # 4,6,7 and page 11 # 1,2,3,4..  For number 1, we used images in the Science Human Body text book, which had annotated diagrams.  With adult supervision, a web image would also suffice.

Wednesday HW
1.  Terry Fox donations.  We are collecting until Monday.  We had great spirit shown today.
2.  Choose a person by Monday to write your report about.  We start working on the report on Monday.
3.  Spelling text book work:  page 9, # 1,2,3 and "Try This".  For number 1, use the personal word up list of fifteen words, rather than the word box words on page 8.  The inside cover of the spelling notebook outlines what a "personal word up list" is.  Every student has one.

Tuesday HW
1.  Terry Fox donations.  Run is tomorrow.  Wear Red!
2.  MMS p.19.  We started this in class already.
3.  MMS HW pp. 20-21.
4.  Choose a person by Monday to write your report about.  We start working on the report on Monday.

Monday HW
1.  Terry Fox donations
2.  Spelling:  finish all four lists and the 15 sentences.  Explanations are on the inside cover of the spelling notebook.
3.  Student data verification sheets are due with and without corrections or annotations.  Thanks!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week of September 15 - 19, 2014

Friday HW
1.  I handed back the Math Number Sense diagnostic quiz our class wrote earlier in the year today.  Students should correct the errors on the reverse side and ask their parents or guardians to sign at the top.  The diagnostic is based on grade 4 outcomes.  We practiced the questions on four practice pages prior to the quiz and the quiz questions were taken directly from these practice sheets.  We conducted extensive corrections in class with corrective feedback and strategies named and modeled.  What I noticed is that times tables control is generally weak and long division steps are similarly uncertain.  We continue to practice these skills on a daily and weekly basis in class.  Some home practice would be a good idea if your child is struggling.  The method I use in class for division is the long division "divide/multiply/subtract/bring down" algorithm, which is the standard technique.  I do model other ways and reinforce the place value concepts at play with base ten blocks.
2.  Terry Fox donations.  Students can bring in toonies, or cash or cheques or use the online donation portal at  Receipts can be processed online or, if complete legible information is provided, at school for donations of $20 or more.  Thank you for your generosity.  The run day is next Wednesday, September 24, rain or shine unless there is thunder and lightning.  Wear red in memory of our dearly departed school friend Alex Shapiro.
3.  Student Registration Verification sheets were distributed Wednesday.  Please check them for accuracy and return that as soon as possible.  I have eleven sets still to collect out of 30.  Make any changes in red please to assure than we have correct contact information in the event of an emergency.  Thank you!
4.  Book report reading.

Thursday HW
1.  Journal completed for tomorrow -- 1 page.  The topic is "How do estimation techniques help me add and subtract mentally?"  Students could write 2 or 3 paragraphs on the page.  We brainstormed vocabulary (guess and check, compensation, rounding, adding on, friendly numbers, front end, place value, compatible numbers, narrowing down) and paragraph topic possibilities (1st:  what is easy/my favourite way of estimating; 2nd: what is harder to do, but still useful; 3rd:  what I still am unsure about using).  We have been discussing and practicing estimation for the previous two weeks while also spending time on math facts practice.
2.  MMS HW book page 18 only, for tomorrow.  We will do page 19 in class tomorrow.
3.  Book report reading.
4.  Student Registration Verification sheets were distributed Wednesday.  Please check them for accuracy and return that as soon as possible.  Make any changes in red please to assure than we have correct contact information in the event of an emergency.  Thank you!
5.  Terry Fox donations.  Students can bring in toonies, or cash or cheques or use the online donation portal at  Receipts can be processed online or, if complete legible information is provided, at school for donations of $20 or more.  Thank you for your generosity.  The run day is next Wednesday, September 24, rain or shine unless there is thunder and lightning.  Wear red in memory of our dearly departed school friend Alex Shapiro.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 16 and 17 are due for tomorrow.
2.  Book Report Reading.
3.  Terry Fox donations.  Students can bring in toonies, or cash or cheques or use the online donation portal at  Receipts can be processed online or, if complete legible information is provided, at school for donations of $20 or more.  Thank you for your generosity.  The run day is next Wednesday, September 24, rain or shine unless there is thunder and lightning.  Wear red in memory of our dearly departed school friend Alex Shapiro.
4.  Student Registration Verification sheets were distributed today.  Please check them for accuracy and return that as soon as possible.  Make any changes in red please to assure than we have correct contact information in the event of an emergency.  Thank you!

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS pages 14 and 15 are due for tomorrow.
2.  Book Report Reading.  We had our first Library period of the year on Tuesday and students had an opportunity to sign out up to two books.  Students are asked to have a book at school every day for DEAR time.

Monday HW
1.  A DEAR time book should be in class every day for all students.  This could be the book report novel or another interest book.
2.  MMS HW book pages 12 and 13 is due tomorrow.
3.  The Future paragraph rough draft is due in class tomorrow.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week of September 8-12, 2014

Thursday HW
On account of this evening's curriculum night at 7 PM, there is no formal homework assigned.

1.  Please bring a chapter book to school for book report reading by Monday September 15.  It should be a book that is new to you or one you have just started.  You do not have to be finished reading the whole book.  We are starting with it on Monday.  The minimum length is 90 pages.
2.  Scholastic orders are due on Monday.  No cash please -- I will accept only cheques.  Please make them payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Wednesday HW
1.  Bring a chapter book for book report reading by Monday, September 15.  At least 90 pages is the minimum length.
2.  Scholastic orders are due on Monday.  No cash please -- I will accept only cheques.  Please make them payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Tuesday HW
1.  Math Makes Sense (MMS) Homework duotang, pages 10-11.  This is the dark blue one.

I liked the Kid President's belief that everyone is a teacher and everyone is a student.  We watched this this morning before classes.

Monday HW
1.  Math Number Sense Quiz tomorrow.  Use your practice sheets to study.
2.  Hand in the four Number Sense math practice sheets tomorrow.
3.  Curriculum night is Thursday September 11 at 7 PM.

Some music on a Monday:  Playing for Change.  I liked the teamwork involved in making this work.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year!

Week of September 2-5, 2014

Greetings to the new students in my class for 2014-15.  I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of you during this first week.  We will jump right in to the school year with some ice breaker activities and some Math and Language reviews.  As the first week goes by we will be preparing for the first Math unit in Number Sense and the first Language activities with News Journals and a novel study.  Also upcoming are our preparations for field trips to the Ontario Legislature and Warren Park in December.  

As well I will see you soon during Curriculum Night on Thursday September 11.  The exact time is TBA, but usually in the 6:300 to 7:00 PM range.  Watch this space for more news as it shared with staff.

This blog will function as a weekly homework listing and be archived as the week ends.  Be sure to check out my class web page at all year long.  Plenty of useful stuff is posted, including downloads of class handouts which you should use to replace lost work.  As part of my Eco-Schools effort I am reducing the number of extra photocopies I am producing.  Usually the document can be downloaded and printed by students, using my web page as needed, by students.

At the bottom of this blog page is a calendar for the year.  I have updated it for September and am working on finishing the rest of the year.  I also use the calendar to make note of tests, field trips and other school events.  I urge you to subscribe to the blog posts to receive daily updates of your child's activity.  I do make time each day for agenda writing by the students and you should ask to see that book on a daily basis, but this page is a useful complement to that routine.  I will not be signing agendas each day, but you are welcome to do so and include any notes in it that you would like to have me look over.  Please have your child alert me to the note in the morning.

Friday HW
It is not my practice generally to give homework on Fridays or before holidays.  There may be a few exceptions to this over the course of the year.
1.  I have moved the Math Quiz to Tuesday, September 9.  We had five students absent today and I did not feel we could proceed with a quiz on Monday.  We corrected pages 3.0 and 4.0 in class today.  Students who were absent for corrections can stay in on Monday at recess to correct.  Please hand in the bundle of four practice pages on quiz day.
2.  Paper towel roll and box of Kleenex for classroom shared use.  Thank you!
3.  Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up for the Future booklet.

Thursday HW
1.  Math Number Sense 3.0 was assigned in class today and should be finished as homework tonight.  Most students will be writing a quiz on Monday based on the four math practice activities I assign this week.
2.  Paper towel roll and Kleenex tissue box for class use.
3.  Forms and agenda fee.
4.  Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up for the Future booklet.

Khan Academy Video on Multiplication

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Number Sense 2.0.  We corrected the first one in class and spent extra time reviewing long division technique, including the "Dracula Must Suck Blood" mnemonic (divide/multiply/subtract/bring down).  We will continue to practice this method for the rest of the week.  All students are receiving review and reteaching as needed with this operation.  As was the case yesterday, students with an IEP, or who see Ms. Angus on a regular basis should do the EVEN-numbered questions.  If an additional challenge is required, do the remainder of the questions as needed.  Please see the video embedded below for some extra review and support for the long division algorithm.
2.  Correction for the Math Number Sense 1.0 page.  We are having a quiz on Monday based on the four reviews with which we are starting the year.  Students should bring these home on Friday for study.  I am not collecting them until I give the quiz on Monday, when I will collect all four. 
3.  Parent Consent forms and Medical forms should be filled out and returned.  This includes the first two pages of the stapled package ("Acknowledgement Form") and pages 8,9 and 10 (the Walking Excursion Form, the Media Release form and the Medical Form). Collecting these forms is a huge job and eats into instructional time considerably.  I would really appreciate the prompt return of the forms so I can move on after a day or two of collection. So far I have collected 18 of 30 form sets.  Thank you!
4.  $6.50 for the agenda.  There is a sticker inside the agenda with the student's number and web addresses for this blog and my web page.  So far I have collected 21 of 30 agenda payments. 
5.  Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up. (photocopy, scan, original -- all are OK).
6.  One box of Kleenex tissues and a roll of paper towel are request for class use from each student.  Thank you for your support. 

Khan Academy video on Long Division.  I liked his remarks about learning times tables as a springboard to long division proficiency.
Introduction to long division: Dividing into larger numbers. Introduction to long division without remainders

Tuesday HW
1.  Math Number Sense 1.0.  These are based on exit outcomes from Grade 4.  If your child has an IEP or is in the HSP program I have attempted to reduce the workload in class today, usually by circling questions to be done.  If I have missed your child in some way please use your judgement as a parent to reduce the amount assigned to a manageable level.
2.  Parent Consent forms and Medical forms should be filled out and returned.  This includes the first two pages of the stapled package ("Acknowledgement Form") and pages 8,9 and 10 (the Walking Excursion Form, the Media Release form and the Medical Form). Collecting these forms is a huge job and eats into instructional time considerably.  I would really appreciate the prompt return of the forms so I can move on after a day or two of collection.
3.  $6.50 for the agenda.  There is a sticker inside the agenda with the student's number and web addresses for this blog and my web page.
4.  Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up. (photocopy, scan, original -- all are OK).
5.  One box of Kleenex tissues and a roll of paper towel are request for class use from each student.  Thank you for your support.