Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Week of April 25 - 29, 2016

Thursday HW
1.  MMS 8.1
2.  Test Pack, handed out last Thursday, is due tomorrow with parent signature and corrections.
3.  Pizza Lunch tomorrow.
4.  Change for Change fundraiser for Women's Habitat shelter.  This is a school-wide followup "Social Justice League" activity after the successful conclusion of the diaper drive.  Students are invited to contribute spare change (perhaps not pennies?) which will be counted and donated.
5.  Tomorrow is a "Hat and Tie" spirit day.

During the week of the Centennial Musical homework assignments will be relaxed.  Students can read at home for pleasure, look for costume ideas for their Centennial "Day in the Life" films and continue to gather research materials for their "Story of Stuff" projects.  The details of the Story of Stuff have been outlined on this blog in previous weeks but are also available in print in the Changes in Matter unit booklet.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week of April 18 - 22, 2016

Thursday HW
1.  Math Unit 7 test Friday AM.  I handed out a study sheet yesterday which students can use along with their MMS booklets and the results of their first two quizzes to study.  Remembering and using unit-specific vocabulary (e.g., mira, tracing paper, align, match, coincide, irregular polygon, and others) is important when explaining thinking.
2.  Scholastic orders due Friday.  Cheques only please.
3.  There will be an outdoor excursion this Friday afternoon.  It is on foot.  Dress for the weather.
4.  Test pack handed out today.  Signature from parents, along with corrections is due for next Friday. The pack does not include some items which will be marked using online feedback (trickster tale, See-think-wonder inquiries, mind maps and plans for stories) on the Google Docs and Draw pages that I assigned.  Those are in-progress for me, but I will have them done in the near future.

I'm very proud to note that our class donated the greatest amount of diapers to the Women's habitat shelter drive -- nearly 1400 of them!  With some encouragement and talk we applied the pizza party award money toward the purchase of more supplies for the shelter.  I really want to thank the students and families for their generous response.  It was very heartening.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Unit 7 test Friday AM.  I handed out a study sheet today
2.  Scholastic orders due Friday.  Cheques only please.
3.  There will be an outdoor excursion this Friday afternoon.  It is on foot.  Dress for the weather.

Tuesday HW
1.  Math Unit 7 test Friday AM
2.  MMS Unit 8.1
3.  Scholastic orders due Friday.  Cheques only please.
4.  There will be an outdoor excursion this Friday afternoon.  It is on foot.  Dress for the weather.

Monday HW
1.  Math Unit 7 Test this Friday AM
2.  No HW Club tomorrow after school.
3.  There will be an outdoor excursion this Friday afternoon.  It is on foot.  Dress for the weather.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week of April 11 - 15, 2016

There is a PA Day on Friday and there is no school.

Tuesday HW
1.  Day of Pink tomorrow.  Wear pink (or red) if you can.
2.  Add some more ideas to your own story Doc for your shared Centennial writing
3.  Math Unit 7 test next Friday, April 22.

Monday HW:
1.  Finish the tiling (and colouring for it) by tomorrow.  We had three class periods to do this work.
2.  MMS 7.6.  We are finished the Transformations unit as of tomorrow.
3.  Math Unit 7 test next Friday, April 22.
4.  Mind Map for your Centennial Writing story.
Visit Google Draw using this address "aw.tdsb.on.ca" to log in to your account.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week of April 4 -8, 2016

Thursday HW
1.  Math Geometry Quiz 2.0 on Line Symmetry and Congruent Figures..
2.  Think of three topics you wonder about and might be interested in researching to do a "Story Of Stuff" project on.  We viewed the Story of Stuff video online today.  It can be a controversial film -- Annie Leonard has some strong opinions.  We talked about perspectives before, during, and after the film, and I reinforced that it is possible to disagree with some of her conclusions.  She does present some persuasive ideas and the practice of inquiry strongly lends itself to this topic.   showed some samples of finished projects today and we will keep going over the topic until students have a good understanding of what is required and how to produce it.  As yet there is no firm due date.
3.  Diapers or donations.  We have contributed 662 items so far, and I received over $100 today in donations to buy more.  Amazing!  I am reinforcing the notion with students that the reward for the effort is secondary to the altruism of doing a good deed for someone in need.  This activity has had some real traction with our class.  Many thanks again.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Geometry Quiz 2.0 on Line Symmetry and Congruent Figures..
2.  Book Report due tomorrow.
3.  Diapers or donations.  We have contributed 596 items so far, which is an amazing total!  Thank you -- very proud of the students' effort!

Tuesday HW
1.  Fill in page 2 of the Adventure Historical Fiction story planner.  Bring it back to school tomorrow.
2.  Book Report due April 7.
3.  Diapers or donations.  We have contributed three packages and have $5.00 towards another one.

Monday HW
1.  Math Quiz tomorrow.  Unit 7, Lessons 1, 2, and 3.
2.  Fill in page 1 of the Adventure Historical Fiction story planner.  Bring it back to school tomorrow.
3.  Book Report due April 7.
4.  Diapers or donations.  We have contributed three packages and have $5.00 towards another one.