Monday, January 28, 2019

Week of January 28 - February 1, 2019

Thursday HW
1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  MMS pages 46-47
3.  Setting Place mats due in class tomorrow.
4.  Slideshow oral presentations:
We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each.  Do not recite your slide to the class.  This needs to be an "active slides" talk.  This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you.  Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.

Wednesday HW
1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  Slideshow oral presentations were postponed today
We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each.  Do not recite your slide to the class.  This needs to be an "active slides" talk.  This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you.  Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.

Tuesday HW
1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  MMS pages 44-45
3.  Illustrator image and text (what the image shows, and why it is important) due tomorrow after several class periods to work on it.
4.  Slideshow oral presentations start tomorrow in class.  We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each.  Do not recite your slide to the class.  This needs to be an "active slides" talk.  This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you.  Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.

Today we started our Math Decimals unit in Number Sense with a story ("Math Curse"), a note, a diagnostic on number lines, and some independent practice.  During our Language period, we introduced our poetry unit by looking at a class text of poems, and created a Poetry vs. Prose Venn diagram in our writing notebooks after a class discussion.  In Social Studies I decided to offer more time for cue card making and presentation rehearsal in view of the absences in class today.

Monday HW
1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  Test pack was handed out last Tuesday.  It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29 (tomorrow).
3.  Slideshow oral presentations start tomorrow in class.  We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each.  Do not recite your slide to the class.  This needs to be an "active slides" talk.  This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you.  Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.

Today we wrote our Math Data management test and collected study sheets.  Since the time to finish the tests was variable from student to student, we transitioned at different rates into culminating Literature Circle activities (illustrator, setting/character placemats).  In the afternoon we discussed the slideshow presentation talk, and made notes using our Writing notebook (rough work) and cue cards (good copies).

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week of January 21 - 25, 2018

1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  Test pack was handed out Tuesday.  It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29.
3.  Data Management test on all of Unit 5 on Monday, January 28.  We will work on a Test Study sheet tomorrow in class.

Math: Today we answered each other's Google Forms surveys to create charts.  We corrected MMS pages, and worked on making proper, detailed survey questions in practice questions.  We also used a blue sheet of paper to create a study sheet to be handed in on Monday before the test.  Content considerations for the the study sheet were shared, and an example shown.  The study sheet will be a supplement to the test score.
Language: We worked on our Literature Circle culminating activities:  the Illustrator group task, and the setting and character placemats.
Social Studies:  We had time to complete work on the Import/export map on pages 10-11.  We will be wrapping up the unit by Monday and presenting our slideshows orally next week.

Thursday HW
1.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2.  Test pack was handed out Tuesday.  It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29.
3.  Data Management test on all of Unit 5 on Monday, January 28.  We will work on a Test Study sheet tomorrow in class.
4.  MMS pp. 78-79

Math: Today we learned how to open Google Forms and create a survey.  We also learned how to post the survey on the Google classroom.  I made the decision to suspend posting and commenting during overnight periods based on previous experiences with the practice.  We corrected MMS pages, and worked on making proper, detailed survey questions.
Language: We also used a full hour to work on our Literature Circle culminating activities:  the Illustrator group task, and the setting and character placemats.
Social Studies:  We had time to complete work on pages 13 and 14 in the booklet and had additional time to work on the Import/export map on pages 10-11.  We will be wrapping up the unit by Monday and presenting our slideshows orally next week.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 78-79.
2.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
3.  Test pack was handed out yesterday.  It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29.
4.  Data Management test on all of Unit 5 on Monday, January 28.  We will work on a Test Study sheet tomorrow in class.

Math: Today we finished some scatter plot practice questions and took a note on Conducting Surveys.  Many students (10) have a printed copy of the note.
Language: We also used the time to work on the setting and character placemats, with success criteria presented and modeled examples shown..
Social Studies:  We had time to complete work on on the Import/export map on pages 10-11. 

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS pages 76-77.
2.  Book Report # 3 due February 7.
3.  Test pack was handed out today.  It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29.

Today we returned to the construction and interpretation of scatter plots.  We looked at the Literature assignments still outstanding:  Illustrator, and Setting and Character placemats.  Finally, we also used laptops to complete/work on pages 10-11, and 13-14 in the Social Studies booklet.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week of January 14 - 18, 2019

FRIDAY is a PA Day -- No School.

Thursday HW
1.  Social Studies Slide Show due Friday MORNING by 9 AM this week.
2.  Book Report book reading.  It is due on February 7, 2019.  You should be half done reading your your book.
3.  MMS pages 74-75 due in class on Monday, January 21.

Wednesday HW
1.  Social Studies Slide Show due Friday MORNING by 9 AM this week.
2.  Book Report book reading.  It is due on February 7, 2019.  You should be half done reading your your book.

Tuesday HW
1.  Social Studies Slide Show due Friday MORNING by 9 AM this week.
2.  Book Report book reading.  It is due on February 7, 2019.  You should be half done reading your your book.
3.  Literature Circle group meeting - last week meeting is tomorrow, January 16.  Be ready!  If you are absent, show up for extra help to catch up.

Monday HW
1.  Graphing, Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Tuesday January 15.
2.  Book Report book reading.  It is due on February 7, 2019.  You should be half done reading your your book.
3.  Literature Circle group meeting - last week on Wednesday January 16.  Be ready!  If you are absent, show up for extra help to catch up.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Week of January 7 - 11, 2019

Thursday HW
1.  Graphing, Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Tuesday January 15.
2.  Book Report book reading.
3.  Literature Circle group meeting - last week on Wednesday January 16.  Be ready!  If you are absent, show up for extra help to catch up.

Thursday HW
1.  Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Friday January 11.
2.  Book Report book should be in class tomorrow for inspection.
3.  We practiced a Line and Bar graph making assignment today with an emphasis on pre-planning and anxiety management.  It seemed to make a difference in the students's overall ability to handle the task.  A major point:  speed is not the main concern.  Planning produces less mistakes and false starts once underway.

Wednesday HW
1.  Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Friday January 11.
2.  Book Report reading.

Tuesday HW
1.  Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Friday January 11.
2.  Literature Circle meetings on Wednesday this week.
3.  Book Report reading.
4.  mean, Median, Mode worksheet #2 to finish for Wednesday.

Monday HW
1.  Mean, Median, and Mode Quiz on Friday January 11.
2.  Literature Circle meetings on Wednesday this week.
3.  Book Report reading.