Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week of February 23 - 27, 2015

Thursday HW
1.  Book Club novels should be read in full by Monday.
2.  Unit 4 math Test on Wednesday, March 4.
3.  Spirit Day tomorrow:  Crazy hair/crazy hat day
4.  Pizza day tomorrow.
5.  MMS Lesson 4.8
6.  Spelling dictation 5 tomorrow.

Wednesday HW
1.  Return test pack ASAP.  It was due last Friday.
2.  Book Club novels should be fully read by Monday March 2.
3.  Unit 4 Math Test, Wednesday, March 4.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week of February 17 - 20, 2015

Tuesday HW
1.  Test Pack due with signature on Friday, February 20.
2.  Math Unit 4 Quiz on Lessons 1,2,3,4 and 5 this Friday, February 20.
3.  Spelling Dictation for Word Up List Words on Friday February 20.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week of February 9 - 12, 2015

Wednesday HW
1.  Report report card envelopes
2.  MMS lesson 4.3 on comparing decimals
3.  Book Report due tomorrow.

Tuesday HW
1.  Return report card envelopes with a signature on the slip.  Interview confirmation slips were sent home today.
2. Book report due on Thursday, February 12.
3.  If you don't have a magazine ad for Media Literacy yet you should get one to school ASAP.

Monday HW
Report cards were distributed today.  Please return the envelope with a signature some time this week.  You will receive notice of your scheduled, requested interview tomorrow.  I'm still waiting on a few responses.
1.  Book Report due on Thursday, Feb. 12.
2.  Magazine ad for Media Literacy was requested last week.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week of February 2 - 6, 2015

Friday HW
1.  Book Club book reading -- 30 pages.
2.  Bring a full page magazine ad for Media Literacy.

1.  Book report due on February 12
2.  MMS Lesson 4.1 and 4.2 on Decimals.  Both were started in class for generous amounts of time.

Wednesday HW
1.  Book Report due February 12.
2.  Return interview letter by Friday February 6.

Today we spent a fair amount of time on a marked problem solving math activity on equivalent decimals.
Absent students should be prepared to stay in at recesses when they return to catch up.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS Lesson 4.1 to complete.
2.  Book Report due February 12.
3.  Return interview letter by Friday.
We completed a "Going With the Flow" Venn diagram activity and some Lesson 1 Math catch-up in the morning.  In the afternoon we worked on the Experiment write-up for the Change stations we did last week.

Monday HW
We had 21 students in class today.  I did not start new work as a result.  We had a presentation from the Peace by PEACE conflict resolution skills presenters and Officer Eric Berridge this morning.  In the afternoon students received their Book Club novels and groupings.  Book Club is different from the Novel study group activity.  It is primarily an oral delivery.  We used the afternoon periods to ensure we wwere caught up with Science and Social Studies work and to check on our experiments.

1.  Book report #3 is due on Thursday February 12.  I announced the due dates in the package the students received in the Fall.  There is one more after this one due on Thursday April 9.  These dates are in my calendar on the blog.
2.  Book Club reading.  This is 15 new pages from the point students left off this afternoon.