Monday, January 30, 2012

Week of January 30 - February 3, 2012

Friday HW
1.  Sentence Structure test on Tuesday February 7.  See notes below on the particulars of the test.
2.  Ski form and fee.
3.  Book Report due on February 23.
4.  Surveys handed in.

Thursday HW
1.  Math HW book pages 84-85.  Today we looked at money up to $10 000.  A special emphasis was estimation by rounding to either the nearest $50 or nearest $100 depending on the context.  The students are reluctant to use estimation and prefer exact calculation with a calculator, but we do need to build our capacity to use estimation across the whole Math curriculum.
2.  Sentence structure test on Tuesday February 7, 2012.  This test covers the grammar activities we've done this week.  Student have several practice pages in three packages to review and a study sheet at the end of the last package to help prepare for the assessment.  The focus was on types of sentences (declarative, interrogatice, imperative and exclamatory), sentence styles (simple, compound, complex) and sentence orders (natural and inverted).
3.  Book Report reading.  Next report due Thursday February 23.
4.  Ski form and fee.
5.  Surveys to return.
6.  Interview requests to return.  Thank you.

Wednesday HW
1.  Ski form and fee due on Tuesday February 7.  Please let me know your plans for the day if you decide not to attend.
2.  Interview request forms ASAP.
3.  Book Report reading.
4.  Return completed Parent surveys.  Thank you!
5.  Math Text book pages 211-212 # 2 to 9.  We worked on this today in class for about 50 minutes.

Tuesday HW
1.  Math HW book pages 82-83.  Today's activity focussed on the 24 h clock and on the calculation of "elapsed time".  We spent a fair amount of class time practicing the 'counting on' technique for determining elapsed time.  I think the students should use that method rather than the subtraction algorithm I also showed them.  Subtraction can be prone to errors because of the regrouping tweak of trading 60 minutes for an hour rather than 10 or 100, as our place value systems would otherwise lead us to think.
2.  Ski form and fee due on Tuesday February 7.  Please let me know your plans for the day if you decide not to participate in the trip.
3.  Interview request forms returned ASAP.
4.  Book report reading. 
5.  Return completed Surveys and Severe Weather forms.  Thank you!

Monday HW
1. Math HW Book pages 80-81.  We started a new unit on Measurement.  Today's lesson was on Time Zones, which we examined earlier in our Social Studies unit on Canada's Links to the World.  Many students struggle to identify the provinces and territories on a map of Canada and name the capital city of each.  We did review this earlier in the year with a map activity despite the fact that it was covered in grade four.  It is worth reviewing independently after today's in-class discussion.
2.  Ski form and fee for Cross Country skiing at Hardwood Hills on February 22.
3.  Parent surveys were distributed today.
4.  Book Report reading  The next report is due on Thursday February 23.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week of January 23 - 27, 2012

Wednesday HW
1.  Severe Weather forms to be returned.
2.  Book Report reading.
3.  Wahanowin forms returned.  We have 28 of 30 responses back so far.  Prospects look go for the trip going forward.  I will keep families posted when we know for sure what the final price will be.

Tuesday HW
1.  Test Pack with parent signature and corrections is due on Monday January 30.
2.  Severe Weather permission form to be returned.
3.  Please have your Social Studies booklet in class tomorrow.

Monday HW
1.  Math Unit Test on Unit 5 tomorrow.
2.  Test Pack with parent signature and corrections due on Monday January 30.
3.  The Giver journal #1 for tomorrow.  We had at least 40 minutes t o work on this 1.5 - 2 page entry today in class.
4.  Wahanowin form and deposit.  Due January 25.  We have 20 responses so far.
5.  Severe weather permission form.  Please return it to class with a YES or a NO.  The form must come back one way or the other.  Thanks!
Music Monday:  Playing for Change -- "Stand By Me"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 16- 20, 2012

Thursday HW
1.  Math HW Book pages 78-79.
2.  Math Unit 5 Final Test on Tuesday January 24.
3.  Country Profile project due tomorrow.  Please have your file in class to transfer to the shared drive.
4.  Wahanowin form and deposit requested for January 25.  We have 16 responses to date.
5.  Extended French form with a YES or NO.
6.  Pajama Day tomorrow!
7.  Library tomorrow.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Unit 5 Final Test Tuesday January 24.
2.  Guided Reading activities as assigned by group in class today.
3.  Country profile project due Friday January 20.  Presentation slots assigned today.
4.  Wahanowin forms and deposit.

Tuesday HW
1.  Math Quiz tomorrow Unit 5, Lessons 1 and 2.
2.  Book Report due tomorrow.
3.  Wahanowin forms and deposit.
4.  Extended French form.

Monday HW
1.  Guided Reading activities, by group, for tomorrow.
2.  Math Mean, Median and Mode practice sheet (double sided) for Wednesday.  This will function as quiz review as well.
3.  Math Quiz on Unit 5 Lessons 1 and 2 on Wednesday January 18.
4.  Book Report due Wednesday.
5.  Country Profile project Friday.
6.  Extended French Form.
7.  Wahanowin Form and deposit.  We have 14 submissions so far.  Thank you!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week of January 9 - 13, 2012

Happy New Year to all students and families in room 365.  I wish everyone all the best in the coming months.  It is good to see everyone back as we enter the final month before report cards for term one.

Friday HW
1.  Book Reports due Wednesday.
2.  Country Profile project due Friday.  Today was the final in-class work period for PowerPoint work.  If a students need to catch up they can stay in at recesses when I am not on duty or at lunch on Monday during Homework Club.
3.  Math Data Management quiz 1 on Wednesday, January 18 on Unit 5 , Lessons 1 and 2 (mean, median and mode; inferences).
4.  Science Space booklet pages 4 and 5.  We had 45 minutes today to complete these 10 questions.
5.  Extended French forms with a YES or NO.
6.  Wahanowin forms and deposit.  We have 13 confirmations to date.  Please return forms with your preference noted by January 25.  Thank you!

Thursday HW
1.  Book reports due January 18.
2.  Country Profile projects due January 20.
3.  Extended French forms with a YES or NO as soon as possible.
4.  Math HW book pages 74-75.
5.  Science booklet pages 1,2 and 3.  We have been working on these form two classes already.  The experiments (ie:  building a sundial) will be done at school.
6.  Wahanowin forms and deposit.  we have six confirmations to date.

Wednesday HW
1. Book reports due January 18.
2. Country Profile project due January 20.
3. Extended French forms to be returned with a YES or a NO.  Thank you!
4. Novel study four square setting sketch.
5. Math HW book pages 72-73.
6. Wahanowin forms and deposit.  We have had four confirmations to date.

Tuesday HW
1.  Book reports due January 18.
2.  Country Profile project due January 20.
3.  Hand Span graph from math today.
4.  Novel study four square character sketch
5.  Wahanowin forms and deposit.

Monday HW
1.  Book Reports are due Thursday January 18.
2.  Country profile project due January 20.
3.  Math HW Book catch-up on pages 68,69,70 and 71.  We worked on these pages before the break in class and as homework but I want to ensure they are all done before moving on to the next lessons.
4.  Science booklet page 1.
5.  Camp Wahanowin forms and deposit.  I apologize for the timing of these forms.  I completed them on September 20 but only received them back in the week before the Christmas break.  If anyone has questions about the excursion please don't hesitate to contact me.