Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of September 11-15, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Math Quiz on Unit 2, Lessons 1,2,3,4 on Thursday September 21.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.

Thursday HW
1.  MMS Pg. 16 and p. 17 'Stretch Your Thinking' only.  We will play the game in class tomorrow.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.
6.  Curriculum Night tomorrow after school at 6 PM and 6:40 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS Pg. 14-15
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Social Studies Inquiry project question settled for Monday.  We examined several possibilities in a long class discussion.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.
6.  Curriculum Night tomorrow after school at 6 PM and 6:40 PM

Tuesday HW
1.  Hand in Math Operations sheets #1 to 4 tomorrow if you haven't already.
2.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
3.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
4.  Keep thinking about a Social Studies Inquiry project question.
5.  Book report book reading -- 20 minutes.

Monday HW
1.  MMS duotang pages 12-13
2.  Math quiz on Math Operations sheets #1 to 4 tomorrow.
3.  Box of Kleenex and roll of paper towel please.
4.  Consider whether you wish to take part on an  after school field trip (the Haunted Walk) through Toronto's downtown.  The proposed ate is Friday October 20 from 6:15 to 8:30 approximately.  We care trying to gauge interest.
5.  Keep thinking about a Social Studies Inquiry project question.
6.  Book report book reading.