Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week of February 20-24, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Ski trip is cancelled due to weather conditions.  All forms and fees will be returned today.  Please do not send in any more.
2.  MMS 62-63
3.  Read a bit about the constellation you chose, especially myths from different cultures that view these star patterns.
4.  Report Card envelopes and slips

Wednesday HW
1.  Please hold off on ski trip trip forms and fees while we assess the weather and feasibility of the trip.
2.  Refresh your memory fo the basic facts of the fairy tale you slected for the fractured fairy tale -- names, motivations, outcomes.
3.  Report Card envelopes and slips.

Tuesday HW
1.  Ski Trip form and fee ASAP.
2.  MMS 60-61
3.  Report Card Envelopes and slips
4.  Choose a fractured fairy tale for a POV story.