Monday, March 6, 2017

Week of March 6 - 10, 2017

Wednesday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.

Tuesday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.
2.  MMS 98-99.
3.  Math Quiz #4 for unit 4 (Lessons 10-12, multiplying and dividing decimals) tomorrow.

Monday HW
1.  Return TIFF Kids trip form and fee.  Three parent volunteers are welcome to come.  They would have to pay their own TTC and contribute $5.00.
2.  MMS 98-99.
3.  Math Quiz #4 for unit 4 (Lessons 10-12, multiplying and dividing decimals) on Wednesday March 8.