Monday, October 31, 2011

Week of October 31 - November 4, 2011

Friday HW
1.  Almost all TSO forms have been returned.  About half of the Mono Cliffs forms need to be handed in with fees if you are going, or with a No if you are not going.
2.  Geometry final test on Tuesday November 8.
3.  Diversity project due in class on November 10.

Thursday HW
1.  Test pack is due on Friday with parent signature and corrections.
2.  Diversity project is due November 10.  Homework Club times are a good way to catch up, work ahead or ask questions.  Last Monday, no one came to the Homework Club time.  I encourage anyone to attend, although I require a minimum of two attendees.
3.  Spelling Text page 25 # 1,3,4; and page 26 #7,8,9.
4.  First two paragraphs of the Play Critique good copy should be done tonight.  We will finish it in class tomorrow and hand it in.
5.  Geometry Final test on Tuesday November 8.  Useful study preparation would be to finish the "Show What You Know" questions on pages 106-107 of the text and make a list of special vocabulary for the unit with definitions.
6.  TSO and Mono Cliffs forms and fees.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math HW Book pages 42-43.
2.  Spelling Dictation tomorrow.
3.  Last 2 paragraphs of Play Critique in rough draft form.  We spent about 30 minutes in class working on that today.
4.  Test Pack is due on Friday with parent signature and corrections.
5.  TSO and Mono Cliffs forms.
I heard some thoughtful letters today to our mayor -- bravo!  However a fair number of students did not have a 10 sentence rough draft done. 

Tuesday HW
1.  Diversity project due November 10.
2.  Math HW Book pages 40-41.  Today we worked on 3D isometric drawings using triangular dot paper.  It was a difficult topic.  We'll revisit it again tomorrow as a warmup.
3.  Paragraph 1 and 2 of the Play critique in writing notebook -- rough draft form.  We've brainstormed lists of elements of the play we could discuss prior to this and spent at least 1 hour in class leading up to the writing of the draft.
4.  Rough Draft of a formal letter to Mayor Ford taking a side on the issue of Toronto's Zoo in the Qwriting notebook.  Each student has a Writing Sense text book to bring home that shows an example of a formal letter (pages 12-13).  It is about 10 sentences long.  We brainstormed and listed the Pro and Con arguments concerning the Zoo's fate on the whiteboard today.
5.  TSO form and fee.
6.  Mono Cliffs forms and fee.

Monday HW
1.  TSO form and fee.
2.  Mono Cliffs form and fee.
3.  Diversity project due November 10.  Tomorrow we will work on formal letter structure.
4.  Happy Halloween!  Please begin bringing in candy wrappers (clean, nut-free) that we can use for a mosaic project organized by our school's Green Team.  Our class will be creating a fantasy animal.