Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7 - 11, 2011

Thursday HW
I thought this was a particularly interesting web page which gives an indication of the local impact of World War II.  It's called the Poppy File and displays a marker in the neighbourhoods all over the city that suffered human losses during that conflict.
1.  Novel Study reading for Monday morning.  Each group has a defined number of pages to read and respond to each week for the next 4 weeks.  We've spent a fair amount of class time reading and I would judge that more than half of the students are finished the weekly reading as of today.  There are questions in the booklet that will help each student prepare for quizzes.
2.  Diversity Powerpoint presentation practice.  With only a couple of exceptions, each student was ready with his/her assignment today.  We modelled presentation 'best practices':
  • don't read slides to us;
  • make eye contact;
  • use movement around the room;
  • get audience involvement by asking questions;
  • use humour where appropriate.
We also worked toward dropping off the files in the Runnymede drive.  It is a bit time consuming but about half the files were successfuly dropped off today.  Presentations start on Monday.
3.  Science booklet work up to page 9 and also page 11.
This morning we collected book reports and Mono Cliffs forms before working on Guided Reading and Novel Study activities.  After recess our math class focussed on the decimal and fraction representation of numbers up to thousandths.  After lunch we worked on Diversity presentation techniques and other tasks connected to handing in the project.  Music/Drama and French ended the day.  Tomorrow is Remembrance Day.  Schools across Canada respectfully ask students for poppy fund donations to help support Veterans' programs.  Thank you for your generosity.

Wednesday HW
1.  Diversity project due tomorrow.
2.  Book report due tomorrow.
3.  Interview request form sent home today.
4. Book Mark for Novel study assigned in class and to be completed as homework.
Today we completed Math text work on Decimals lesson 1.  We also introduced a new lesson on thousandths using grids and base 10 blocks.  We generated some success criteria for our book marks during the novel study period.  In the afternoon we visited the Library and received some instruction on information gathering resources before foing a book exchange.  After French, we worked on our Scoial Studies booklet page 4.

Tuesday HW
1.  Novel Study Book Cover for Wednesday.
2.  Mono Cliffs form and fee due Wednesday.
3.  Diversity project due on November 10.
4.  Book report due on November 10.
5.  Math HW book pages 44-45
Today we wrote our Geometry test in the morning.  During Novel Study we worked on the Book Cover and discussed success criteria for that assignment.  We also completed Mono Cliffs roommate request slips which Mr. Reynolds collected and used to start sorting students into room pairs.  Gym and french periods took place in the afternoon.  We also worked on page nine of our Diveristy booklets in class.

Monday HW
1.  Geometry Test tomorrow on Unit 3.  Study the Show What You Know review questions we did in class last week, and make a vocabulary list for yourself.
2.  Diversity project is due on November 10.  Today was our last day using computers for this project.
3.  Book Report 2 is due on November 10 as well.
4.  Mono Cliffs forms are due on Wednesday November 9.
Today we introduced our reading groups.  We are pursuing two general directions:  a mystery novel study in a group and a non-fiction Guided Reading arc with the same group.  There are four different texts for each activity (eight in all) and each has a link to some curricular topic we've touched on already or are about to study in class.  The novel study will be read in chunks over four weeks.  Students were placed in groups and read the novel today and met in small groups for Guided reading introductions.  We also introduced our new Math Unit #4 on Decimals with a small group activity using newspapers.  In the afternoon we worked for our final day on the Diversity project in class using paper and computer resources.  The Homework Club today at lunch was well attended -- over a dozen students availed themselves of this extra time, mainly to use the laptops.  Way to go!  A November Newsletter was distributed today as well.