Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week of February 17 - 21, 2020

Thursday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  A small test pack was handed out today.  It should be corrected and signed by a parent.  I will collect them on Monday.
2.  MMS pp.56-57
3.  Math Quiz on Unit 4, Lessons 6 and 7 on Tuesday, February 25.
4.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue next week. 

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.
c)  The final two sectors of the essay planner on conformity are due in class Monday.  The third one must include a quoted text citation from the story.  I checked the first two in class today and provided verbal and written feedback for each student while assessing a progress score.  We will complete the rough draft next Monday in class only.

Wednesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  We worked on correcting Dialogue punctuation today to be used in the Pourquoi stories and all stories afterwards.   #1 on the 2.0 sheet should be done for class tomorrow.
2.  MMS pp.54-55
3.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week. 
* It is necessary to share your slideshow with me before school starts so that we can conduct the presentations.
We discussed in class what would be necessary for a good presentation:
  • "Active Slides" delivery (not reading the slide verbatim to the class).
  • Guiding questions (about 2 per slide).
  • Adding extra information that is not included on each slide.
  • Pointing out the key details on each slide.  These should be about 1-3 details per slide.
  • Eye contact and verbal expression.
Some independent rehearsal is necessary.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.
c)  Test packs were mostly submitted on time.  Those who missed my due date after five check-ins have a short lunch detention with me on Thursday at 11:30 AM.
d)  Two sectors of the essay planner on conformity are due in class tomorrow and must include a quoted text citation from the story for each one.  We will complete the planner as homework on Thursday night so it is ready for class to compose a rough draft next Monday.

Tuesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  Test packs were handed out last week.  Please have a parent sign the top page and correct where necessary.  These were due Monday and some are still outstanding.
2.  The Pourquoi Tale activity has been assigned with a handout that contains an example of a story, the traits of the genre, and a planner for a student story.  There is room for a rough draft by hand as well, which all students have to complete before typing a good copy in class.    We worked on Dialogue punctuation today to be used in these stories and all stories afterwards.  Students received a note and some practice questions.  #1 on the 1.0 sheet should be done for class tomorrow.
3.  There is a Math quiz on Lessons 1 to 5 of Unit 4 on Wednesday February 19 (tomorrow).
4.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week. 
* It is necessary to share your slideshow with me before school starts so that we can conduct the presentations.
We discussed in class what would be necessary for a good presentation:
  • "Active Slides" delivery (not reading the slide verbatim to the class).
  • Guiding questions (about 2 per slide).
  • Adding extra information that is not included on each slide.
  • Pointing out the key details on each slide.  These should be about 1-3 details per slide.
  • Eye contact and verbal expression.
Some independent rehearsal is necessary.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.
c)  Test packs were handed 2 weeks ago, and online assignments have been returned in the Google Classroom with marks, correction, and comment.  Please have a parent sign the top page and return the test pack to class.  Most of these were not returned in class last Monday, which was the due date.