Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Week of January 29 - February 2, 2018

7:00 - 7:45  Parent information desk for Grade 6 overnight excursion to Camp Couchiching.  Located at a table outside the Runnymede Main Office, grade six teachers will be present to answer questions and provide an informational sheet about the June 4-6, 2018 overnight trip to Camp Couchiching for grade six students.

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on February 8, 2018.  You should probably be working on sketched rough drafts for this report to develop your best ideas in time for the due date.
2.  "Colour of my Dreams" perspectives assignment is posted in the Google Classroom.  Good copy pages have been handed out to the students already.  I is due on Friday, February 2, 2018.
3  Test pack due with corrections and a parent signature on Tuesday February 6, 2018. The package was handed out on Tuesday.

Wednesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on February 8, 2018.  You should probably be working on sketched rough drafts for this report to develop your best ideas in time for the due date.
2.  MMS pages 46-47 (time in class to finish today) and pages 48-49.
3.  "Colour of my Dreams" perspectives assignment is posted in the Google Classroom.  Good copy pages have been handed out to the students already.  I is due on Friday, February 2, 2018.
4.  Test pack due with corrections and a parent signature on Tuesday February 6, 2018. The package was handed out on Tuesday.
** An interview request letter will come home with the report card.  I will be available for interviews on Monday to Thursday, February 12-15, 2018, both before and after school.  I will not be available on Friday, February 16.

Tuesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on February 8, 2018.  You should probably be working on sketched rough drafts for this report to develop your best ideas in time for the due date.
2.  Forms and Sheets Data Management assignment in the Google Classroom was due in class on Tuesday, January 30, 2018.  If you did not finish in class today (especially if you were absent at some point(s) from class over the past four school days) you can hand it in when you complete it.  Extra help times are available this week today, tomorrow morning and Thursday after school.  No more class periods will be allocated to this activity.
3.  "Colour of my Dreams" perspectives assignment is posted in the Google Classroom.  Good copy pages have been handed out to the students already.  I is due on Friday, February 2, 2018.

Monday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on February 8, 2018.  You should probably be working on sketched rough drafts for this report to develop your best ideas in time for the due date.
2.  Forms and Sheets Data Management assignment in the Google Classroom is due in class on Tuesday, January 30, 2018.  We spent time in class today looking at the layout of the graphs for printing.  A good portion of the assignment needs to be done at home, especially if you were absent at some point(s) from class over the past three school days.  WSe worked for 5 periods on it with sustained feedback and trouble-shooting in that time with school laptops in that time.
3.  "Colour of my Dreams" perspectives assignment is posted in the Google Classroom.  Good copy pages have been handed out to the students already.  I is due on Friday, February 2, 2018.