Monday, January 18, 2016

Week of January 18 - 21, 2016

(Note:  Friday January 22 is  PA Day and there is no school.)

Thursday HW
1.  Finish World Above/Below art.  It should be handed in on Monday.
2.  Finish the Literature Circle "Illustrator" image and provide the written reasoning for its importance in the novel in a few sentences on the back (i.e., "This scene represents the moment in the novel when ________ on page _____.  It's important and I chose it because ____________.)  This picture is also due in class on Monday.
3.  Keep thinking up clever , interesting and unique survey questions which would let you collect data and find the mean, mode and range.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 72-73
2.  Start thinking about a clever, interesting, unique survey question you can write and then gather data for.  Remember that it has to be a question that gathers data you can find the mean and mode and range for.  The activity is to be done in class, but the thinking can be done at home.  In class we discussed why the "What is your favourite...." style of question is uninteresting and not age -appropriate.

Tuesday HW
1.  Spelling Cycle for List 12 and fifteen sentences.  This is the last Spelling cycle for a while as we turn to other language activities.

Monday HW
1.  MMS HW duotang, pages 70-71.