Monday, November 17, 2014

Week of November 17 - 21, 2014

Wednesday HW
1.  Geometry Quiz on Unit 3, Lessons 1,2 and 4 on Monday, November 24.
2.  Novel Study book cover due tomorrow.  The students have had three class times to work on it and each group received direction and modeling.  White, undeveloped spaces should be minimal.
3.  Geometry set is recommended for purchase for home use and in class.  I can provide materials but these are limited in supply and condition.
4.  Warren Park trip on December 4, all day.  The forms were handed out today.  Please return them with a completed permission form (yes or no) and the fee of $7.50 (cash, exact change please) if your child is attending.  I would like three parent volunteers if possible.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS HW book, Unit 3, Lesson 2.  We spent a fair amount of time modeling the protractor use and practicing with it. Parents should consider the purchase of a small Math set (compass, short ruler, triangular rulers -- all transparent).
2.  Winter is here.  Students should have a pair of indoor shoes at school each day.  We use the carpet regularly and wet boots do not help maintain comfortable seating.  Thank you for your assistance.
3.  Spelling Text -- page 15 # 1 and 2.
4.  Warren Park trip on December 4, all day.  The forms were handed out today.  Please return them with a completed permission form (yes or no) and the fee of $7.50 (cash, exact change please) if your child is attending.  I would like three parent volunteers if possible.

Monday HW
1.  MMS HW book, Unit 3, Lesson 1.  We have introduced vocabulary (equilateral, isosceles, scalene, polygon, a variety of polygon names, hatch marks) for three Math periods to start this unit on the right foot.
2.  Parents should consider the purchase of a small Math set (compass, short ruler, triangular rulers -- all transparent) for our Geometry unit.  I can provide the materials, but they tend not to be clear and are often scuffed up.
3.  Winter is here.  Students should have a pair of indoor shoes at school each day.  We use the carpet regularly and wet boots do not help maintain comfortable seating.  Thank you for your assistance.
4.  Spelling Text -- page 13 # 1, 3, and 4; page 14 # 5,6,8, and 9.   Although this appears to be many questions for one evening, students had a 45 minute period to start it.  If your child has not started, this may seem to be a heavy workload.  This was independent work while I monitored small reading groups at the carpet over the previous four school days.