Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of September 16 - 20, 2013

Friday HW
1.  Ask your parents about the Quebec Charter of Values.  Read one short article about it online if you can.  We had an introductory discussion about it  today.  Here is a brief explainer from earlier this week when the story was still developing:
The Quebec's Values Charter: what it will do if passed into law | CTV News

2.  Police Check forms.
3.  Terry Fox donations.
4.  If you received a white Special education envelope from Ms. Cianfarani please return it as soon as you can.  I've received just one so far.

Thursday HW
1.  French Test Friday
2.  Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3.  MMS pages 20-21.
4.  Police Check form for volunteers.
5.  Spelling Dictation tomorrow (Friday) on Word Up List #1 words.
6.  Terry Fox Donations.  Our students visited Kindergarten and Junior classrooms today in pairs to announce our school fundraising effort and deliver materials.  They practiced their scripts and performed very enthusiastically.  They will be coming home today with their own home letters and pledge forms.  We also have an online donation option at .  Choose "Donate to a Student" and search for "Runnymede" in Ontario.  The site finds "Runnymede and Sr PS" which is a typo the Foundation has said they will fix for us.  Tax receipts are available if your information is filled out fully on the pledge forms.  A full sheet is an entry into a draw for a bicycle.  Thank you for considering a donation to this cause.

Wednesday HW
1.  French Test Friday
2.  Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3.  Spelling text activities:  page 9 # 1,2,3 and "Try This"; page 10 # 4,6 and 7.  We spent 35 minutes in class working on this today.  The words the students use should be from the Word Box on page 8.
4.  Police Check form for volunteers.
5.  Finish News Journal Summary and reflection for the article on the border collies and the Canada Geese.
We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class.  This is our third demonstration.  Students will receive a presentation date by the end of the week for their own article work.  The reflection portion should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world).  See below for sentence starters.

Tuesday HW
1.  French Test Friday
2.  Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3.  MMS pages 18-19 on Mental Subtraction.
4.  Police Check form for volunteers.
5.  Finish News Journal Summary and reflection.  We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class.  We've also been listing sentence starters for the reflection portion.  This should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world).  Some sentence starters could be:

  • "This reminds me of..."
  • "I was confused/surprised/curious..."
  • "I wondered about..."
  • "Something like this happened to me when..."
  • "I read a book/watched a TV show about something like this..."
  • "I think that..."

Monday HW
1.  French Test Friday.
2.  Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3.  Finish Spelling Cycle.
4.  Police Check form for volunteers.