Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week of May 21-24, 2013.

Thursday HW
1.  MMS pages 144-45
2. Unfinished art is due tomorrow.
3.  Measurement final test is on Thursday May 30.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Text pages 364-65 # 1 - 9
2.  MMS pages 142-43
3.  Unfinished art is due by Friday

Tuesday HW
1.  Math text book pages 360-61 #4 -9
2.  MMS pages 140-41.
I hope that each student brought home the letter that was given out on Friday regarding EQAO.  The test days for grade 6 are on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27-29 next week.  Please do not schedule appointments during that time or have your child miss school on those days, all day. We are not writing for 6 solid hours, but timetable issues mean we use the full day.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Students sit in rows during the test and must keep water bottles off the desktop.  Bathroom breaks aren't possible during the test period except in extreme circumstances.  Students should come to school rested and ready for two one hour writing blocks each day.