Monday, January 7, 2013

Week of January 7 - 11, 2013

Thursday HW
1.  Book Reports due.
2.  Math Textbook pages 119-120 #2-10.  We have worked on these questions for two periods to date in class.
3.  MMS pages 46-47.
4.  Survey good copy due on Monday on the 12 X 18 manila paper that was distributed.

Wednesday HW
1.  Book reports due.  See Monday's note for more details.
2.  Space booklet page 3 due tomorrow.
3.  If you wish, get a Public Library book or other information source for your in-class Country Profile research activity.  we spent 30 minutes today working with laptops, receiving jot note organizers, dividing up topics in group conferences and receiving personal copies of the requirements of the brochure.

Tuesday HW
1.  Book Reports due.  See below.
2.  Space booklet page 2.
3.  Social Studies booklet page 8.
Students picked partners today for a Country Profile research activity that we will be doing in class over the next 3 weeks.  The due date for the brochure is at the end of January.  This is an activity that can be done entirely in class.  If students wish to visit a public library for additional book materials they can do so at their leisure.
We also spent an hour today learning to use Excel 2010 on the laptops to manage and present data collected from a sunshine survey.  Each student was able to produce a bar and a line graph at the end of the session.  They will use these skills to represent the data they collected for a survey question of their own devising.

Monday HW
1.  Book Report due on Thursday January 10.  Mistakenly I did provide a January 18 due date before the holidays so I have to honour that date.  I would prefer students hand it in on the earlier date which I published on the handout students received, however I will accept the reports on January 18 if they are handed in then.  There are no extensions for any reason after that 18th date.  Students should remember that the last report was handed in over 2 months ago as of the 11th.
2.  Math HW Book pages 44-45.
3.  Space booklet pages 1 (except for the Sun Dial Building question).