Monday, September 26, 2011

Week of September 26-30, 2011

Friday HW
1.  Book Report due October 6.  Be sure to pick a new book over the weekend.
2.  Test pack signed, corrected and in the white bin on Monday.
3.  Our class raised $205 for the Terry Fox run.  Way to go boys and girls!
4.  We introduced a descriptive writing assignment today called "Behind the Door".  The emphasis is on using rich language and creating vital sentences in a short space.  I spent some time stressing that the story does not have to be scary or gory for it to be a good piece of writing.

We have had a month together at this point.  I know I am really enjoying each day with the group and I hope they are finding value in the program.  I will send out a new calendar and newsletter early next week for October.  Have a great weekend.

Thursday HW
1.  Math Quiz 3 on Friday September 30 on Order of Operations.
2.  Math Text book work on pages 66-67 # 2,3,5,6,9,11.
3.  Spelling Cycle activities for list 2 (Alpha Order, Syllabication, Derivatives)
4.  Book Report is due on October 6.  You should be working on it now.  You should also select a book for the next report over the weekend.
5.  Have your parents sign the top page of your test pack.
6.  Correct all the errors in your test pack.
7.  Return the test pack to the white bin by Monday Octber 3. 
(In future I will combine these steps in one listing:  "Sign and correct test pack by October 3.").

1.  Math Quiz 3 on Friday September 30.  Unit 2, Lesson 8.
2.  Math HW book page 28 only.
3.  News Journal Summary and Reflection.
4.  Journal -- movie review.
Here is a Khan Academy video that outlines multiplication by two digit factors.  Salman Khan is an MIT graduate who has posted a remarkable number of educational YouTube videos to take advantage of the learning possibilities provided by the Internet.  I find his approach to be straightforward and helpful. Try watching it.  (Notice that he uses commas for large numbers in the 10 thousands or more, which we don't use in metric notation.)

1.  Math Quiz 3 on Friday September 30.  Unit 2, Lesson 8 (Order of Operations).
2.  Math HW book pages 26-27.
3.  Running Shoe done in full and mounted on paper.
4.  Toonie for Terry.  Dress for the run tomorrow.
5.  Spelling Word Up dictation # 1 tomorrow.
6.  Photo day is on October 4.

Monday HW
1.  Math Quiz 2 tomorrow.  Unit 2, lessons 5 and 7.  The last Math quiz was done very well. The average was about 18 out of 20. Well done!
2.  Math HW Book pages 24-25.  At least half the class started this work in class today.
3.  Canada map fully done and handed in to white bin tomorrow.  We've had three periods to complete the map.  A model was on display in class showing the requirements.
4.  Toonies for Terry.   Run date is Wednesday AM.
5.  Science pages 3,4,and 5.  As well, students should complete their own creature cards for tomorrow in colour.  We worked on this in class and most students were well into the personal creature card.