Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week of May 24-27

EQAO test begins on Monday May 30 and continues through Tuesday and Wednesday of that week.  We are writing in the mornings before lunch.  Practice activities have been underway for the past few weeks.

Wednesday HW
(I was away at Soccer yesterday and there was no homework posting.)
1.  Math Text book page 357 # 5,6,7.  Students should remember to use the formula each time, organize steps with subtitles and answer word problems with a sentence.
2.  Math HW book pages 138-39.
3.  We have a probability test tomorrow.  it was a very brief unit (four lessons).  The primary focus is being able to represent the chances of an event occurring theoretically and experimentally using fractions and percents.  As well the students learned how to draw tree diagrams, which are somewhat challenging to start, but easier to finish once underway.