Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Weeks of March 23 - April 3, 2020

Grade 6 Students:

I hope everyone is doing well and managing to keep busy during this challenging time. I miss everyone!  It feels like you might grow 30 cm by the time I see you next!

On the Friday that we left for the March Break, students in attendance received these guidelines (see below) for the two weeks after the March Break and brought home texts and some reproducible sheets from the classroom.  I don't have any of these reproducible sheets with me unfortunately.  An additional item students might want to work on is the book report. As always, doing some reading is a good idea each day. Consider a novel with a survival theme? That was meant to be our next Literature activity.  Hope to see you all soon. 
- Mr. Reynolds.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Week of March 9 - 13, 2020

Thursday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week starting tomorrow. 
2.  Book Report reading -- 20 minutes..
3.  Finish the GOOD copy of the five sense poem for tomorrow.  We will assemble the full presentation in class on Friday.
4.  If you did not finish page 132-33 of MMS, this is HW.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Look for a poem that expresses ideas of individuality and/or free will.  The poem can be a song, but take care that it is substantial enough to work with.  It should have some depth and and some length, otherwise analysis of it will be difficult.  I have more than 2 dozen poetry anthologies in class to look at, and the web may be another fruitful source.  I should be ready to work with when we return from the March Break.  We will share samples tomorrow.

Wednesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week starting tomorrow. 
2.  Book Report reading -- 20 minutes.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  The good copy of the essay is due in class on Thursday along with the rough draft for comparison.  Turn in your work, edited and error-free of sight word spelling mistakes, to the Google Classroom.
c)  Look for a poem that expresses ideas of individuality and/or free will.  The poem can be a song, but take care that it is substantial enough to work with.  It should have some depth and and some length, otherwise analysis of it will be difficult.  I have more than 2 dozen poetry anthologies in class to look at, and the web may be another fruitful source.  I should be ready to work with when we return from the March Break.  We will share samples tomorrow.

Tuesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  MMS 82-83.  
2.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week starting tomorrow. 
3.  Test Pack was handed out Tuesday, March 3.  It was due with corrections and parent signature on Monday.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Essay rough drafts have been returned.  The remaining body paragraphs should be completed using the Answer/Prove/Extend and Explain model we looked at in class.  The good copy was started in class and should be complete by the end of the class on Wednesday.  Turn in your work, edited and error-free of sight word spelling mistakes, to the Google Classroom.
c)  Look for a poem that expresses ideas of individuality and/or free will.  The poem can be a song, but take care that it is substantial enough to work with.  It should have some depth and and some length, otherwise analysis of it will be difficult.  I have more than 2 dozen poetry anthologies in class to look at, and the web may be another fruitful source.  I should be ready to work with when we return from the March Break.

Monday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  MMS 80-81.  
2.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue this week starting tomorrow. 
3.  Test Pack was handed out Tuesday, March 3.  It was due with corrections and parent signature today.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Essay rough drafts have been returned.  The remaining body paragraphs should be completed using the Answer/Prove/Extend and Explain model we looked at in class.  The good copy was started in class and should be complete by the end of the class on Wednesday.  Turn in your work, edited and error-free of sight word spelling mistakes, to the Google Classroom.
c)  Look for a poem that expresses ideas of individuality and/or free will.  The poem can be a song, but take care that it is substantial enough to work with.  It should have some depth and and some length, otherwise analysis of it will be difficult.  I have more than 2 dozen poetry anthologies in class to look at, and the web may be another fruitful source.  I should be ready to work with when we return from the March Break.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Week of March 2 - 6, 2020

Wednesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  MMS 66-67.  
2.  Math Quiz on Unit 4, Lessons 10, 11, and 12 on Friday, March 6.  Students can study from their Math journals and the corrected MMS lessons that match.
3.  Creation Myth story boards are due fully completed on Thursday this week.  We have had several class times to complete this work.
4.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue next week. 
5.  Test Pack was handed out Tuesday, March 3.  It is due with corrections and parent signature on Monday, March 9.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.  Due March 5.  All members should have a copy of the script and one should be printed or shared with me.
c)  Essay rough drafts have been returned.  The remaining body paragraphs should be completed using the Answer/Prove/Extend and Explain model we looked at in class.  The draft should be in class and complete on Monday, March 9 so that we can begin typing a good copy.

Tuesday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  Complete rough draft of Pourquoi Tale for Wednesday, when we will type the good copy.  Students have had several in-class periods to work on this to date.  It should not be all homework.
2.  MMS 64-65.  
3.  Math Quiz on Unit 4, Lessons 10, 11, and 12 on Friday, March 6.  Students can study from their Math journals and the corrected MMS lessons that match.
4.  Creation Myth story boards are due fully completed on Thursday this week.  We have had several class times to complete this work.
5.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue next week. 
6.  Test Pack was handed out today.  It is due with corrections and parent signature on Monday, March 9.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.  Due March 5.  All members should have a copy of the script and one should be printed or shared with me.
c)  Essay rough drafts have been returned.  The remaining body paragraphs should be completed using the Answer/Prove/Extend & Explain model we looked at in class.  The draft should be in class and complete on Monday, March 9 so that we can begin typing a good copy.

Monday HW
6A Notes:  This is homework for the grade 6 class I teach.
1.  Complete rough draft of Pourquoi Tale for Wednesday, when we will type the good copy.  Students have had several in-class periods to work on this to date.  It should not be all homework.
2.  MMS 62-63.  We had 10 minutes to do this work in class today.
3.  Math Quiz on Unit 4, Lessons 8 and 9 on Tuesday (tomorrow).  Students can study from their Math journals and the corrected MMS lessons that match.
4.  Creation Myth story boards are due fully completed on Thursday this week.  We have had several class times to complete this work.
5.  HDI Social Studies presentations continue next week. 
6.  The "Super-Terrific Tie-Tying Workshop" is presented tomorrow, powered by L.O. Industries!  Bring a tie if you would like to learn.

8F Notes: This is homework for the grade 8 class I teach.
a)  20 minutes of reading.
b)  Short Story assignment group drama presentation to plan.  Due March 5
c)  Essay rough drafts have been edited a second time with a focus on using text proof in quotation form for support.  Students are expected to incorporate these suggestions into the good copy, along with COPS spelling and grammar editing.