Monday, January 31, 2011

Week of January 31 - February 4, 2011

Friday HW
1. Bitstrips "A Person I Admire" comic to be completed by Monday morning February 7. Students who have difficulty accessing a computer at home can use one in class on Friday and on Monday at lunch. We have had three periods in the Lab already to work on this remix of our writing assignment.
2. Science to the end of page five of the Space booklet by Monday. Experiment cycle activities introduvced in class today are done in class and not as part of our assigned homework. As such it is important to make good use of class time to finish these experiments during the four periods we wil spend on them.
3.  Test pack signed and corrected -- many are overdue.
4.  Guided Reading: 
Blue -- survey results
Green -- story good copy
Yellow -- free verse poem  rough draft to compare with your partner
Red -- article on the Whales visit rough draft
5.  Dance presentation due on February 17 during gym time.
6.  Math HW book pages 80-81.

Thursday HW
1.  Bitstrips "A Person I Admire" comic to be completed by Monday morning February 7.  Students who have difficulty accessing a computer at home can use one in class on Friday and on Monday at lunch.  We have had three periods in the Lab already to work on this remix of our writing assignment.
2.  Science to the end of page five of the Space booklet by Monday.  Experiment cycle activities introduvced in class today are done in class and not as part of our assigned homework.  As such it is important to make good use of class time to finish these experiments during the four periods we wil spend on them.
3.  We have a Creole Drummatix presentation in the gym for Black History Month on Monday, February 14 in the senior gym at about 9:20 AM.

Wednesday HW
Snow Day!  See you Thursday.

Tuesday HW
1.  Math textbook pages 153-54 # 2 to 10;  page 157 # 2-10.  We spent a fair amoubnt of time on this today.  Students found the "zero in the quotient" step most difficult to remember.  We spent time working through the placement of the decimal, using repeating decimal marks (dot and dash), and rounding to the hundredth place, in addition to our focus on appropriate problem solving techniques.
2.  Test pack signed and corrected for Friday.
3.  Space booklet page 4.

Monday HW
1.  Math textbook pages 149-150 # 2 to 9.  Pay special attention to including a list of "Givens" and using both a number sentence/equation and a word sentence to answer word problems.
2.  Math HW book pages 62-63.
3.  Test pack signed and corrected for Friday.  A new one was distributed today.  13 students have not returned the last one with corrections and a parent signature.  Until the last one is reurned, the new one will not be handed out.
4.  Ski trip form and fee was due today.  10 students have not submitted a "Yes" (with fee) or "No" form regarding that trip.  We have extra capacity on the bus if more than three parents want to come on this trip.  I currently have three volunteers and can welcome additional parents for the same fee.
5.  Science Space booklet page three done.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week of January 24-28, 2011

Thursday HW
1. Sign and correct test packs for Monday.
2. Math TEXT book pages 192-93 # 1 to 5.
3. Ski Trip form and fee for February 1.
4.  Language Power pages 17,18,19.
5.  Science "That Glorious Old Sun" booklet page 2 # 1 to 5.
The work above was started already in class on Thursday.

Wednesday HW
1.  Sign and correct test packs for Monday.
2.  Math HW book pages 74-75.
3.  Ski Trip form and fee for February 1.

Tuesday HW
1.  Sign and correct test packs for Monday.
2.  Time Tellers page one of Science booklet -- questions one and two.
3.  Ski Trip form and fee for February 1.
4.  Social Studies presentations tomorrow afternoon.  If you want to bring a prop or interest item that is all right but not required.  Be ready to ask questions of your visitors and answer questions they may have.

Monday HW
1.  Field Trip forms for Cross Country Ski distributed today.  Students: $50 and parents $25.  Please submit your fee if you wish to attend.  I will draw by lot for parents.  I will reurn any cheques or cash if your name is not selected.  Right now we have room for three adults.  There may be more spaces available.  I will keep our class posted.
2.  Rough Draft 250 words for Totem pole story in rough in the Writing notebook.
3. Social Studies presentations take place on the afternoon of January 26.  Have a few questions ready or any props you may wish to show.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week of January 17-21, 2011

Thursday HW:
1.  Math Data Management quiz Unit 5, Lesson 1,2,4 on Monday.   The focus is on types of graphs (bar, line, pie) and their unique uses as well as median, mean and mode.
2.  The good copy of the commercial analysis is due at the end of class on Monday morning.  Students should ensure that key pieces of rough work are at school and not left at home.
3.  Social Studies presentations take place on the afternoon of January 26.

We have been making our way through the learning curve of using the laptops in class.  Although the wireless access is functioning students still have trouble opening and saving to their home drives and the school shared drive.  USB memory sticks are still a good idea to have at school until the bugs are sorted out on that end.  We are getting some good results with the use of Excel and the students are engaged and keeping busy. 

Wednesday HW:
1.  See note # 2 from Tuesday.  Have your rough versions in the writing notebook in class for tomorrow.
2.  Math Data Management quiz Unit 5, Lesson 1,2,4 on Monday.   The focus is on types of graphs (bar, line, pie) and their unique uses as well as median, mean and mode.
Thank you again to our parent and guardian volunteers on today's field trip.  We couldn't have done it without you.  Watch for our Cross Country Ski trip permission form next week.  The trip is on February 24.

Tuesday HW:
1.  USB Drive at School.
2.  Find a commercial for the Media Literacy activity introduced in class today.  Finish a rough version of page 1 in your writing notebook for Thursday.  Complete the page 2 rough draft on Wednesday night so that both halves are available for in-class good copy work on Thursday.
3.  Field Trip tomorrow.  Bring a lunch.  Dress for the weather.  Regular arrival time in the morning and regular dismissal time in the afternoon.  We travel by TTC.

Today was our final day for A Person I Admire writing.  Most students completed a full assignment.  The class did struggle with their in-class effort however.  This assignment, which has many similarities to EQAO assignments, took much longer to finish than would be given for EQAO writing.  We looked at Social studies Origins of First Nations peoples in the afternoon and examined two commercials in detail for Media Literacy:  "Dove Evolution" and "The Coke Side of Life".  Our focus is on audience appeal in this media literacy arc.  As an additional note, we received our wireless access points today and the laptops are able to be used to their full extent within the parameters of our school's broadband connection.  Hooray!

Monday HW:
1.  No Homework was assigned today to give students time to complete presentation preparation for the Social Studies projects.  We also have a book report due on January 20.

Today students made good use of the laptops and desktops to work on graphing with Excel.  Several students had a USB flash memory stick in class for saving files which was very handy.  If you have such a device available I suggest you bring it daily to class.  We also worked on Person I Admire writing for the second to last period on editing and good copy writing.  We will finish up tomorrow.
Finally a note about absences:  students are requested to stay in at recess or Homework Club times to catch up when they are absent or when they miss school for sports or other team activities.  I do what I can to provide extra time but I cannot delay infinitely.  Certainly, as the students reach older grades, more and more of this responsibility is shifted to them.  The blog and the web page are good places to start for catching up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week of January 10-14, 2011

Thursday HW
1.  Median worksheet from yesterday in class tomorrow.
2.  Math Quiz unit 4 lessons 8 and 9 tomorrow.
3.  Spelling Dictation # 8 tomorrow.
4.  Book Report due on January 20.
In Math class we reviewed the meaning of inference and discussed the best uses of types of graphs.  We also introduced distinctions between primary and secondary data collection and settled on the features of a complete graph in a bansho activity.  We looked at Excel and made small groups for survey and graph making using the desktop and laptop computers.  Students with access to a USB flash memory sticks should begin bringing them to school daily.  We spent some time finishing the rough draft of 'A Person I Admire'.  There are only 2 periods left to finish editing and good copy work for this in-class only assignment.  We ended the day by monting the projects and looking over our Social Studies booklets for incomplete sections prior to handing them in.  Presentations will take place next week.  Students are welcome to use the Smart board and projector combo to display websites or other material they want to show during the presentation, however this is not a requirement.  An oral presentation will be sufficient for the assignment.

Wednesday HW
1.  Median worksheet started in class to complete for Friday.
2.  Math Quiz Unit 4 Lessons 8 and 9 on Friday January 14.  If you are absent for the Math quizzes, I expect students to write them on the day they return.
3.  Social studies project due tomorrow.  We have built all of the lanterns for mounting the good copies.  Students need only bring those good copies in on Thursday to attach them.
4.  Book Report due January 20.
This morning we worked toward finishing the Person I Admire rough draft.  We also finished our text work on Median and had a period to complete the Social Studies good copies and work on the USA Economic features in the booklet.

Tuesday HW
1.  Language Power pages 6 and 7
2.  Project due on January 13
3.  Math Quizzes:
Lessons 6 and 7 on Wednesday January 12,
Lessons 8 and 9 on Friday January 14.

Monday HW
1.  Math HW Book pages 68-69.
2.  Math Quizzes this week for Unit 4
Lessons 6 and 7 on Wednesday January 12,
Lessons 8 and 9 on Friday January 14.
3.  Social Studies project due January 13.
4.  Book Report due date extended to January 20.
5.  Spelling Cycle # 8 activities.
This morning we spent considerable time on our first math lesson in Data Management.  We talked at length about the differences between facts and inferences in interpreting data; on the best uses of line, circle and bar graphs; and on developing responses to the "How do You Know?" types of questions that showed an answer/prove/extend/explain approach.  We also introduced the idea of mean, median and mode.  In Spelling we had our eighth pretest and the accompanying cycle activities.  Students were encouraged to spend enough time to correct errors accurately using their text lists.  In the afternoon we touched on Economic and Trade features of the USA and began assembling the presentation lanterns for the good copies.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Week of January 3 - 7, 2011

Friday HW
1.  Social Studies project due January 13.  Good copy lanterns are ready in class for Monday to mount the pages.
2.  Field Trip forms and Fees are due Monday January 10.
3.  Book Report due date is extended to January 20.
4.  Spelling text activities:  p. 35 # 1,2,3; p. 36 # 4 and the Challenge; p. 37 ABC organizer started for Space.  Students will fill in more words as the unit gets underway.
We did a Data Management Math lesson today and worked on Spelling text activities after the dictation. In the afternoon we  introduced the use of the laptops and worked on Bitstrips activities in our Computer Lab period before the students moved on to Music/Drama.

As we ramp up for the use of the laptops, two items require your consideration with your parents:
a) The availability of a USB flash drive that you can bring back and forth to school. It isn't required but it makes life easy for you given the shaky nature of our home drives and network.
b) An email address you and your parents feel is safe and appropriate for you to use to sign up for online free accounts for things like for example. Personally I use a junk email address, which is not my main address, for such things.

Thursday HW
1. Work on Social Features rough page for tomorrow, which we spent 40 minutes on in class today. Project is due January 13.
2. Book report due next week.
3. Spelling Dictation tomorrow -- word up # 7
4. Field Trip form and fee for January 10.
We did a multiplication of decimals Math lesson today and continued our novel study and guided reading activities. In the afternoon we went to the library and introduced the use of the laptopsbefore the students moved on to French. 
As we ramp up for the use of the laptops, two items require your consideration with your parents:
a)  The availability of a USB flash drive that you can bring back and forth to school.  It isn't required but it makes life easy for you given the shaky nature of our home drives and network.
b)  An email address you and your parents feel is safe and appropriate for you to use  to sign up for online free accounts for things like for example.  Personally I use a junk email address, which is not my main address, for such things.

Wednesday HW
1. We again have limited homework tonight as we work towards the completion of our Social Studies project rough draft pages. Work on Political Features rough page for tomorrow, which we spent 40 minutes on in class today. Good copy pages were distributed yesterday. Project is due January 13.
2. Book report due next week.
3. Find out any additional facts you need to know about the 'Person I Admire'.  Many students did not have much information ready for that today.  I reminded the boys and girls that this is not an encyclopedic entry, but rather a personal reflection about a person they already know something about.  A few basic facts are required, but the basis of the selection is a personal connection or interest in the person which suggests a fair amount of prior knowledge already. 
4. Field Trip form and fee for January 10.
5.  Library tomorrow.
We did a division of decimals Math lesson today and continued our "Person I Admire" writing activity, which is an in-class only writing assignment. In the afternoon we tried our hand at dance activities in Gym before reviewing the Social Studies USA Political Features in the booklet before the students moved on to French.

Tuesday HW
1. We have limited homework tonight as we work towards the completion of our Social Studies project rough draft pages.  Work on Physical Geography rough page for tomorrow.  Good copy pages were distributed today.  Project is due January 13.
2.  Book report due next week.
3.  Find out any additional facts you need to know about the 'Person I Admire'.
4.  Field Trip form and fee for January 10.
We did some guided reading and novel study activities today and continued our "Person I Admire" writing activity, which is an in-class only writing assignment.  After reading buddies we had a double Art period in the afternoon before the students moved on to French.

 Monday HW
1.  Pages 56-57, Math HW book.
2.  Word Up # 7 Activities including 15 sentences.  Students that were absent today should visit the web page to copy the word up # 7 words.
3.  Language Power text pages 4-5.
4.  Social Studies rough draft work for project.  Work on the Physical Features page for Wednesday.  Due January 13.  Most class time for research and rough work has already taken place.  The remainder should be worked on at home.
5.  Field Trip form and fee for January 10.  Forms were distributed today.
6.  Second chess club take place tomorrow and continues on Tuesdays afterwards.
Welcome back to a new year.  The boys and girls were awfully sleepy as they got themselves back into the rhythm of a school day.  We completed some Math and started a Spelling cycle.  In the afternoon we worked on page 11 of the Social Studies booklet by looking at the text pages that would help us complete the work.  By doing a study of the United States following the same format as our project presentation my goal is to give the students some very direct guided modelling and practice in advance of doing their projects.