Wednesday HW
1. Have your mural ideas ready for tomorrow (sports or movies/TV from the 1980's and 1990's)
2. 15 sentences -- one for each word from the Word Up list.
3. Africville perspectives sheet is due tomorrow.
In today's homework check 6 out of 24 students did not have their MMS 8.1 ready for class, thereby missing out on the feedback during our correction time. It is an ongoing concern of mine that home practice is frequently not ready by significant numbers of students. A typical day's homework check finds between half a dozen to a dozen students unready for the day's correction. That's an unusually high number. I keep students in to complete the work and write agenda notes when possible. Please ask to see your child's home practice each night. Even if they say they finished at school you should expect then to bring it home so that you can look it over as a matter of routine. Thank you for your help.
A goal for this unit is to have students becoming more comfortable with their multiplication table recall. As the concepts progress during the year, a multiplication table sheet should become less necessary in order to complete calculations that feature more complexity, such as making conversions between equivalent fractions.
Tuesday HW
1. MMS 8.1
2. Spelling Word Up list # 8: Alphabetical Order and Syllabication. No derivatives this week because the words are all proper nouns.
3. Scholastic orders due with a cheque on Friday April 24.
Today was a terrific day for the class. I really felt like we had solid attention and effort across the board and made a significant dent on the planned activities for the day. Thank you very much to the boys and girls and I hope to see many more days like this one.
Monday HW
We had a successful egg drop today. The majority of our eggs survived their fall. Since the eggs had not been refrigerated all day and were possibly cracked I held onto all of them (broken or not) and disposed of them safely at the end of the day. No other homework was assigned.