Friday HW
1. Math Quiz on Unit 4, Lessons 1 to 5 on Tuesday January 22.
2. You should have chosen a TV ad in class today for our Media Literacy analysis. Summarize it fully in the Writing notebook.
3. Complete a rough version of your 11 to 20 line Free Verse poem on your Space word topic in the Writing notebook. You should use the organizer chart we made today for raw material.
4. Bring your writing notebook to class on Monday.
Thursday HW
1. Book Report due tomorrow.
2. Biodiversity story due tomorrow -- 22 of 23 collected.
3. MMS pages 50-51 on rounding decimals. Students can skip the game on page 51 #1.
4. Math Quiz on lessons 1 to 5 for Unit 4 on Tuesday, January 22.
5. Bring earbuds to class tomorrow for a TV commercial search.
Here is an interesting video of the International Space Station, as composed and posted by the departing commander of the station, Sunny Williams, back in November. The size of the station really comes across well in this video.
Wednesday HW
1. Book Report due by January 18.
2. I have 20 of the 23 Biodiversity stories submitted. These are due by Friday as well.
3. Country Research is ongoing for Social Studies. We had another laptop research period today, and we discussed in detail how to assemble the cover and the map. We also had a talk about the sorts of information that would fit well in the "Conclusion" portion of the brochure.
Tuesday HW
1. Book Report due by January 18.
2. Biodiversity story due by Friday. The majority of printed stories (18 out 23) were submitted today in typed form. Ask your child if he/she still needs to submit his/hers.
We had a Library book exchange today. Most Country research books are already in my class for in-class borrowing. If your son/daughter wishes to he/she may want to visit a public library for materials to supplement the online and printed resources I provide.
In relation to the Country Profile research activity we also had a discussion about plagiarism today that focussed on the requirement to acknowledge sources and avoid copying or close paraphrasing.
Monday HW
1. Book Report due by January 18.
2. MMS pages 48-49.
3. Space booklet pages 6 and 7.
4. Biodiversity story due by Friday. This activity is likely finished already by the majority of the class. I wanted to provide a few extra days for those students who were sick or on extra holidays just before and just after the Christmas break in order for them to get caught up.