1. Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2. MMS pages 46-47
3. Setting Place mats due in class tomorrow.
4. Slideshow oral presentations:
We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each. Do not recite your slide to the class. This needs to be an "active slides" talk. This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you. Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.
Wednesday HW
1. Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2. Slideshow oral presentations were postponed today
We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each. Do not recite your slide to the class. This needs to be an "active slides" talk. This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you. Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.
Tuesday HW
1. Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2. MMS pages 44-45
3. Illustrator image and text (what the image shows, and why it is important) due tomorrow after several class periods to work on it.
4. Slideshow oral presentations start tomorrow in class. We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each. Do not recite your slide to the class. This needs to be an "active slides" talk. This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you. Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.
Today we started our Math Decimals unit in Number Sense with a story ("Math Curse"), a note, a diagnostic on number lines, and some independent practice. During our Language period, we introduced our poetry unit by looking at a class text of poems, and created a Poetry vs. Prose Venn diagram in our writing notebooks after a class discussion. In Social Studies I decided to offer more time for cue card making and presentation rehearsal in view of the absences in class today.
Monday HW
1. Book Report # 3 due February 7.
2. Test pack was handed out last Tuesday. It is due back in the white bin with corrections and a parent signature on the top by next Tuesday, January 29 (tomorrow).
3. Slideshow oral presentations start tomorrow in class. We will have about 8 per day at about 3 minutes each. Do not recite your slide to the class. This needs to be an "active slides" talk. This could include interesting facts that you did not have space to include on a particular slide, a question that can be answered by the class by looking at your slide, or a brief recap of what is on the slide behind you. Again, do not read the slide to the class with your back to the audience.
Today we wrote our Math Data management test and collected study sheets. Since the time to finish the tests was variable from student to student, we transitioned at different rates into culminating Literature Circle activities (illustrator, setting/character placemats). In the afternoon we discussed the slideshow presentation talk, and made notes using our Writing notebook (rough work) and cue cards (good copies).