Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Week of October 29 - November 2, 2018

Thursday HW
1.  Making a Monster assignments from the google classroom are due tomorrow.  we have had more than 5 laptop periods in class to complete this work.  It may be necessary to work on this using a computer at home if your student is not finished.  Students can access the Academic Workspace (AW) from home.  It is recommended to use the Chrome browser.  Type in the address line and then type in your student number and password.  when the work in the Doc and the Draw files is complete use the Turn In function in the Classroom to hand it in.
2.  Return Index cards.  There are 11 still missing, which is a third of the class.
3.  Genres poster due Friday in class.  We have had more than 6 periods to do it in class.
4.  20 minutes of reading.

Wednesday HW
1.  No Homework -- Have a safe and fun Halloween!
2.  Return Index cards
3.  Genres poster due Friday in class

Tuesday HW
1.  Halloween dance toonie
2.  Return Index cards
3.  MMS pages 2-3
4.  Genres poster due Friday in class
5.  Electronics period on Wednesday, October 31, during period 2 as a Terry Fox reward.  Dance is in the PM.

Monday HW
1.  Halloween dance toonie
2.  Return Index cards
3.  20 Minutes of reading
4.  Genres poster due Friday in class
5.  Electronics period on Wednesday, October 31, during period 2 as a Terry Fox reward.  Dance is in the PM.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of October 22 - 26, 2018

Monday HW
1.  Math quiz tomorrow:  Unit two addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division  Use your math journal and MMS homework book to study, in addition to the practice pages we've done in class over the last three days.
2.  20 minutes of reading -- next book report is due in December.
3.  Stratford trip on Thursday, September 26.  We are leaving at 11 PM.  We will eat lunch in class before we go.  Students should bring a snack for the ride home that is NON-PERISHABLE.  We are returning at about 7 PM.  Please do not park in front of the school.  We need room for three coach buses to park. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week of October 15 - 19, 2018

Thursday HW
1.  Test packages, containing four Math assessments, were handed out today to students.  They should review them, correct them, and get a parent autograph on the top quiz of the bundle before handing them in on Friday, October 19. 
2. Math quiz on Tuesday, October 23.  Topic are Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and dividing from the end of Unit 2.  students can use their math Journals and MMS homework books to study.
3.  Haunted Walk is coming on Thursday night, October 18.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the stairs of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Students should arrange to be picked up by a parent at Mackenzie House at 8:45 - 9:00 PM.  It's probably best to be there a bit early.  Dress warmly for the weather, wear good shoes for walking, and take a bathroom break before you leave. 
We reviewed times and expectations today for 10 minutes at the end of the day:

  • stay with your group'
  • stay in control'
  • be aware of your surroundings'
  • dress warmly.  

4.  Start choosing your next book report book.

Wednesday HW

1.  Test packages, containing four Math assessments, were handed out to students.  They should review them, correct them, and get a parent autograph on the top quiz of the bundle before handing them in on Friday, October 19.
2.  Book report due Thursday, October 18.
3.  Math quiz on Tuesday, October 23.  Topic are Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and dividing from the end of Unit 2.  students can use their math Journals and MMS homework books to study.
4.  Haunted Walk is coming on Thursday night, October 18.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the stairs of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Students should arrange to be picked up by a parent at Mackenzie House at 8:45 - 9:00 PM.  It's probably best to be there a bit early.  Dress warmly for the weather, wear good shoes for walking, and take a bathroom break before you leave.

Tuesday HW
1.  Test packages, containing four Math assessments, were handed out to students.  They should review them, correct them, and get a parent autograph on the top quiz of the bundle before handing them in on Friday, October 19.  There was homework club yesterday, after school, for students looking for extra support to review concepts or correct work.  Two students attended it.
2.  Book report due Thursday, October 18.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Math quiz on Tuesday, October 23.  Topic are Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and dividing from the end of Unit 2.  students can use their math Journals and MMS homework books to study.
5.  Haunted Walk is coming on Thursday night, October 18.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the stairs of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Students should arrange to be picked up by a parent at Mackenzie House at 8:45 - 9:00 PM.  It's probably best to be there a bit early.  Dress warmly for the weather, wear good shoes for walking, and take a bathroom break before you leave.
6.  Two paragraphs on one of the news journal presentations from today.  One paragraph summary, and one paragraph reflection following the several examples we've practiced in class and the modeled steps glued into each student's News journal notebook.

** A classmate is providing pizza for the class tomorrow (Wednesday, October 17, 2018) in our class for lunch.  I surveyed the students for their preferences.  If your children wish to bring in other items for themselves (personal snack, fruit, drink, or other item), that is on a student by student basis only to ensure there is no cross-contamination for potential allergies.  If you wish to have your child opt out of the lunch (and eat in the cafeteria or at home) that is perfectly fine.

Monday HW
1.  Test packages, containing four Math assessments, were handed out today to students.  They should review them, correct them, and get a parent autograph on the top quiz of the bundle before handing them in on Friday, October 19.  There was homework club today, after school, for students looking for extra support to review concepts or correct work.
2.  Book report due Thursday, October 18.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Math quiz on Tuesday, October 23.  Topic are Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and dividing from the end of Unit 2.  students can use their math Journals and MMS homework books to study.
5.  Haunted Walk is coming on Thursday night, October 18.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the stairs of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Students should arrange to be picked up by a parent at Mackenzie House at 8:45 - 9:00 PM.  It's probably best to be there a bit early.  Dress warmly for the weather, wear good shoes for walking, and take a bathroom break before you leave.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week of October 8 - 12, 2018

Wednesday HW
1.  Math Quiz Friday on Unit 2, Order of Operations.  This is a short quiz on one lesson.
2.  News Journal article selection should be underway or already done.  Choose an article that is long enough for a summary, but not unmanageably long, and an article that is recent and of interest to your peers for best results.  You could look online at or on the CBC Kids News site if you are stumped.  Articles from Metro or CP24 online are often too short to work with.
3.  Book Report # 1 is due on October 18.
4.  20 minutes of reading.
Tuesday HW
1.  Math Quiz tomorrow on Unit 2, Lessons 5 and 7.
2.  News Journal practice #3.  Write 2 paragraphs on the Piper article we looked at in class today.  The first paragraph should be a minimum five paragraph summary.  Students could use the notes we posted on the board to help with that.  The second paragraph should be a minimum five paragraph reflection and connection paragraph.  We looked at a sheep dog YouTube video to make a real-world connection together as a class.
3.  Book Report # 1 is due on October 18.
4.  Due dates for individual News Journal Current Events presentations were given out today.  Each student has two copies of the good copy page.  On the due date, students should have a W5H fact breakdown sheet, the original article clipped out, and a good copy page (containing a New headline, a Summary in paragraphs, a Drawn image, and three questions on the reverse side).

Monday, October 1, 2018

Week of October 1 -5, 2018

*** Reminder that Friday October 5 is a PA Day, as shown in the calendar below. -- No School.

\Thursday HW
1.  Wednesday October 10 --Math Quiz 2: Unit 2, lessons on Prime/Composite Numbers and Mental Math.
2.  Online school photo card sent home.  Order due date is October 9.
3.  Book report due October 18.
4.  20 minutes of reading.
5.  Start thinking about a news article you could present to the class as part of our Current Events activity.  It should be recent and of appeal to some, or most, of your peers.  Each student will have a unique, individual presentation date that will be shared by early next week.
6.  MMS pages 26-27

Wednesday HW
1.  Wednesday October 10 --Math Quiz 2: Unit 2, lessons on Prime/Composite Numbers and Mental Math.
2.  Online school photo card sent home.
3.  Book report due October 18.
4.  20 minutes of reading.
5.  Start thinking about a news article you could present to the class as part of our Current Events activity.  It should be recent and of appeal to some, or most, of your peers.  Each student will have a unique, individual presentation date that will be shared by early next week.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS 24-25.
2.  Online school photo card sent home yesterday.
3.  Book report due October 18.
4.  20 minutes of reading.

Monday HW
1.  MMS 22-23.
2.  Online school photo card sent home today.
3.  Book report due October 18.
4.  20 minutes of reading.
5.  Math quiz tomorrow on Unit 2, Lessons 1 to 4.  Use the Math Journal, the blue MMS duo-tang, and your notebook practice to study.