Monday, November 27, 2017

Week of November 27 - December 1, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading -- the book report is due on Thursday December 7.
2.  MMS pages 40-41.

Wednesday HW
1.  In Math today we wrote the quiz.  The text activities on pages 94-95, #1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 are homework to complete.  I know some parents have asked that the text be brought home, but please remember to return this heavy textbook to school tomorrow -- I have no extra copies.   If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.
4.  Math Quiz part 2 tomorrow:  Unit 3, Lesson 4 (Constructing Figures).
5.  Finish page 12 of the Social Studies Booklet.  It is due in class tomorrow.  We worked on it today and most students were already done.  If you leave the booklet at home you will be unprepared for our next class.  Ensure there are no gaps in the pages 1 to 11 as we head towards the end of term one.

Tuesday HW
1.  In Math today we continued to work on "Constructing Figures".  About half of the students are having moderate difficulty manipulating the compass.  I have modeled the technique over several classes now.  It just takes some extra time to develop the fine motor coordination to keep it steady.  We continued practicing with text activities on pages 94-95, # 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 tomorrow after corrections.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  Geometry quiz on Wednesday, November 29.  Students can use their homework book (MMS) "Quick Review" notes for each lesson as well as the notes we prepared in class on polygons and types of angles to study.  The quiz covers Unit 3, Lessons 1 and 2.
4. "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.

** I had one student come in for extra help this afternoon at my scheduled time.

Monday HW
1.  In Math today we worked for one hour on "Constructing Figures".  The main new information today was how to design an accurate drawing of a parallelogram using supplied conditions (such as side lengths and angle measures) and adding labeling.  These ideas will be applied in tonight's MMS practice on pages 38-39, which is due in class tomorrow.
We will continue practicing with text activities on pages 94-95, # 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 tomorrow after corrections.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.  Book Report is due on Thursday December 7 (next week).
3.  Geometry quiz on Wednesday, November 29.  Students can use their homework book (MMS) "Quick Review" notes for each lesson as well as the notes we prepared in class on polygons and types of angles to study.  The quiz covers Unit 3, Lessons 1 and 2.
4.  Library Book exchange tomorrow.
5.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars.

** I had two students come in for extra help this morning at my scheduled time.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week of November 20 - 24, 2017

Friday HW
1.  In Math today we worked for both periods together on "Classifying Shapes Using Attributes".  The main new information this year is the introduction of reflex angles and the distinction between concave and convex polygons.  These ideas are added to existing attribute knowledge from prior grades, which we have reviewed (e.g., right, straight, acute, and obtuse angles; triangle, quadrilateral, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon; parallel sides; equal side lengths; regular and irregular polygons).  We continued practice with text activities on pages 88-89, # 4, 5, and 6.  We also corrected the MMS homework assigned Wednesday.  If your child was absent today, this is the work we did.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.
4.  "Bag2School" Green Team textile campaign -- bring in items on November 29 -- it is a one day drive.  Students received an informational postcard this week explaining the particulars

Thursday HW
1.  MMS pages 36-37 for Friday.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.
4.  Complete the "Order of Fries with a Side of Honesty" summary (at least one paragraph, not more than two) and a reflection in which you make connections (TTT, TTS, TTW) to the article that is also one paragraph long.  This is our second practice activity that builds toward the moment when each student selects an article individually to summarize and present orally to the class.  We are practicing W5H jot note taking and looking at article selection.  This article was about three teens who found $15 000 at a McDonald's in Markham and what they did afterwards.  I provided a breakdown of the W5H jot notes for the class to copy and a note about summarizing.

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 36-37 for Friday.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French test on Monday November 27.

Tuesday HW
1.  Complete "The Birdman" summary (at least one paragraph, not more than two) and a reflection in which you make connections to the article that is also one paragraph long.  This is  practice activity that builds toward the moment when each student selects an article individually to summarize and present orally to the class.  We are practicing W5H jot note taking and looking at article selection.
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French skit presentations continue on Wednesday.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pages 34-35.
(** Bring your protractor back to school.)
2.  20 minutes of reading.
3.  French Skit presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of November 13 - 17, 2017

PA Day for interviews.  No School.  See you on Monday.

Thursday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.  I would appreciate the return of the envelope with a parent/guardian signature.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.
Today we reviewed the learning goals for our Geometry unit and took a note on polygons and polyhedra.  We also experimented with tangrams to design shapes to identify right angles and record side lengths with hatch marks.  We also reviewed the features of a few types of writing (narratives, non-fiction, news articles, and legends) in advance of a reading assessment next week.  Students who are absent should consult with their study buddies for tips on how to catch up before attending an extra help time:

My revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  "My Patterns" worksheet -- create two of your own patterns, with solutions for each on the reverse side of the page.  Due in class tomorrow.
4.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.

Tuesday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out Monday.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  "My Patterns" worksheet -- create two of your own patterns, with solutions for each on the reverse side of the page.  Due in class on Thursday.
4.  Consider getting a Geometry math set (protractor, sturdy compass especially) for our geometry unit.
5.  Patterning Quiz # 2 tomorrow.
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers).

My revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Monday HW
1.  Report cards were handed out today.  Please review them with you child in advance of our interview.  If you can I would like all parents or guardians to bring along their child's agenda to the interview.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Gum day tomorrow, with me in our classes together only.
4.  Patterning Quiz # 2 on Wednesday, November 15.
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers).
There is time for students to come for extra help on my revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week of November 6 - 10, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  MMS pages 10-11
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.
5.  Patterning Quiz # 2 on Wednesday, November 15. 
This quiz is on the remainder of unit 1 lessons (Divisibility, equations and integers). 
There is time for students to come for extra help on my revised extra help times:
Day 1 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 2 -- 8:25 - 8:50 AM
Day 3 -- 3:02 - 4:00 PM

Wednesday HW
1.  MMS pages 8-9
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.

Tuesday HW
1.  Interview Request letters due tomorrow
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes.
3.  Story of Stuff research. Gather photos or other images.
4.  Poppy donations for Friday.

Monday HW
1.  Interview Request letters due on Wednesday.
2.  Book Report Reading -- 20 minutes
3.  Story of Stuff research -- Organizer # 1 is due at the end of class on Tuesday.