Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of October 30 - November 3, 2017

Thursday HW
1.  Photo Retake day is tomorrow morning.  Students need a signed form.  The details of that retake were on the photo proof card.
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Test packs were handed out Monday.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.
4.  Story of Stuff research.  We had another cart period today, which is the fifth period for using laptops to find research material at school.
5.  Math quiz on Monday November 6.  Unit 1, Lessons one and 2 (Patterning and pattern rules).
6.  Interview letters for the Progress Report were handed out today.  Please return them with your response and three times if you wish an interview. 
I would like them back by Wednesday, November 8.

Wednesday HW
1.  Wear Red and White for tomorrow's Olympic rally!
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  MMS pages 6-7
4.  Test packs were handed out Monday.  We corrected the Story Mountain as a class today.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.
5.  Story of Stuff research.
6.  Math quiz on Monday November 6.  Unit 1, Lessons one and 2 (Patterning and pattern rules).

Tuesday HW
1.  No homework due tomorrow.  Have a safe Halloween night!
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Olympics rally waiver form returned.
4.  Test packs were handed out yesterday.  We corrected the Story Mountain as a class today.  The packs should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.

Monday HW
1.  MMS pp.4-5
2.  20 minutes of Reading
3.  Story of Stuff research.  We used the organizer on Friday, and the laptops in class today.
4.  Test packs were handed out today.  They should be signed by a parent or guardian, corrected, and returned by Friday November 3.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week of October 23 - 27, 2017

Thursday HW *** We did not have time to write the agenda out today.***
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  November 3 is Photo retake day.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  The organizer sheet was reviewed on Tuesday, but not handed out.  It will be distributed on Friday in class and collected at the end of each period so it can be handed in with the final project.

Wednesday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  November 3 is Photo retake day.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Genre poster is due completed in class on Thursday morning.  We have had several periods in class to read about the genre assigned to each partner pair and to generate rough drafts.  Models of several kinds of genre posters were shared with the class as inspiration/activation rather than for straight copying.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  The organizer sheet was reviewed on Tuesday, but not handed out.  It will be distributed by Friday  It should be handed in with the final project.

Tuesday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  Order of Operations quiz tomorow.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  Genre poster is due completed in class on Thursday morning.  We have had several periods in class to read about the genre assigned to each partner pair and to generate rough drafts.  Models of several kinds of genre posters were shared with the class as inspiration/activation rather than for straight copying.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  Students received an organizer sheet today.
It should be handed in with the final project.

Monday HW
1.  Student Registration Verification sheet is past due.
2.  Order of Operations quiz on Wednesday.
3.  20 minutes of reading.
4.  MMS pages 2 and 3.  We started a new unit on Patterning today.  Students are encouraged to use a calculator in this unit.  I have provided calculators to each student for classroom use.  If they wish they can use one at home (just not the school one).  We have also done some practice in class with calculator use.
5.  Story of Stuff research.  This is an Inquiry project.  We have had access to laptop computers in class for two periods already.  Students received a topic sheet and watched an Introductory short documentary on the subject  (Annie Leonard's "Story of Stuff" on Youtube.  Students can watch it at home again or view it for the first tie if they were absent that day.)   Finally, students were taken through a sample for an iPhone that I shared with the class.  My sample is a model and is not the only way to present the Inquiry.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of October 16-20, 2017

Friday HW
1.  Haunted Walk tonight.  Meet at 6:30 PM on the steps of the ROM.
2.  Math Quiz on Order of Operations on Wednesday October 25
3.  Select a Story of Stuff topic for Monday.  We spent a period today using the Chromebooks to do some browsing for a suitable topic after a class demonstration on Thursday.  Students have a topic sheet for the assignment.
4.  Return Student Registration Verification sheet as soon as you can.

Tuesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk on Friday
2.  Math Quiz on Long Division on Thursday October 19
3.  Book report due Thursday this week.
4.  Return Student Registration Verification sheet as soon as you can.
5.  Get French test signed.

Monday HW
1.  Haunted Walk on Friday
2.  Math Quiz on Long Division on Thursday October 19
3.  Book report due Thursday this week.  Tell me your choice tomorrow.
4.  MMS 32-33
5.  Get French test signed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Week of October 9 - 13, 2017

Wednesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk trip form and fee if coming.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Add/Subtract/Multiply quiz on Friday October 13.  (Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.)

Tuesday HW
1.  Haunted Walk trip form and fee if coming.
2.  20 minutes of reading
3.  Add/Subtract/Multiply quiz on Friday October 13.  (Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.)
4.  MMS pages 28-29.  Skip the game on page 29.  We will play it in class.  ** You still have to do question 2 and 'Stretch Your Thinking' on page 29 though.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of October 2 - 6, 2017

** Friday is a PA Day -- No School
** Monday October 9 is Thanksgiving -- No School

Thursday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).  Due on October 12
3.  Second Draft of the Future paragraph should be done, doubled spaced, in your Writing Notebook.  Students likely had enough time to finish this in class today IF they finished last night's assigned homework.  Several students did not.  It is not my intention to give weekend homework.  I believe there was more than enough time to finish this work today in class if the students were caught up.  If not, they will have to use some of the four day weekend to catch up.
4.  Math Quiz on Friday, October 13 -- Unit 2, lessons 9 and 10 on Adding, Subtracting, and multiplying by a two-digit number.

Wednesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  First Draft of the Future paragraph should be done on page 11 of the future booklet.  We practiced idea grouping in class and worked on a collaborative editing effort today in class.
4.  Photo proof sheet was sent home today.

Tuesday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  MMS pages 26-27
4.  Terry Fox donations -- We are at $769 -- that is outstanding!

Monday HW
1.  20 minutes of reading.  The book report is due on October 19.
2.  Haunted Walk permission form and fee ($10 per person, adults included at that rate).
3.  MMS pages 24-25
4.  Terry Fox donations -- We are at $717 -- that is terrific generosity!  Thank you class!