1 20 minutes of reading. Book Report is due on October 19. Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2. Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3. Terry Fox Run was yesterday-- we raised $77 more dollars today for a total of $677! Incredible! Collection will continue over the next 2-3 days. There is still time for those of you who want to chip in with $10 for Terry. Many, many thanks!
4. Math Quiz: Unit 2, Lesson 5 and 7 on Prime/Composite numbers, Factors, and Mental Math on Monday October 2.
5. Haunted Walk field trip letter distributed today. Return ASAP with $10 per person.
Thursday HW
1 20 minutes of reading. Book Report is due on October 19. Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2. Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3. Terry Fox Run was today -- we raised $590 today! Wow! Collection will continue over the next 2-3 days. Thank you so much class!
4. Math Quiz: Unit 2, Lesson 5 and 7 on Prime/Composite numbers, Factors, and Mental Math on Monday October 2.
5. Haunted Walk field trip letter distributed today. Return ASAP with $10 per person.
Wednesday HW
1 20 minutes of reading. Book Report is due on October 19. Start considering which type of report might be fun to create AND be suited to your novel.
2. Return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3. MMS pages 22-23. We are on the Mental math lesson of Unit 2 on Number Sense.
4. Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5. Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.
Tuesday HW
1 20 minutes of reading.
2. A test pack containing some Math assessments, CASI and a snapshot of Learning Skills was given in a stapled bundle to all students present in class this morning. This is a "TEST PACK".
- I expect students to review it with their parent or guardian and have it signed on the front page of the bundle by a parent or guardian.
- I expect students to correct errors where possible.
- I also expect students to return the signed, corrected TEST PACK by Monday October 2, so I can log it and verify that parents and guardians are kept up to date with the student's current progress.
3. Photo Day September 27
4. Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5. Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.
Today is a Homework Club (extra help) day after school until 4:10 PM. I have noticed that some students have already missed more than 2 days of school this year or have arrived late /departed early. It is very important that they come to catch up. I am not always available in the mornings due to yard duty, but they can check with me for the next day. Because of rotary there is rarely time within the day to catch up for missed time. You should feel comfortable asking your child if he/she stayed to catch up with me after an absence. I always ask them to stay, but it can be hard to verify if the reason for declining is legitimate. Together we can stay on top of this.
Monday HW
1 20 minutes of reading.
2. MMS pages 20-21
3. Photo Day September 27
4. Terry Fox Run September 28 -- $10 for Terry is our school goal.
5. Bring a water bottle to class for yourself on these hot days.