Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week of March 28 - April 2.2016

Friday HW
1.  Diapers, or donations to buy them.
2.  Book report is due on April 7.
3.  MMS pages 100-101, lesson 7.4.  I don't usually assign weekend homework but the band and strings symposia cost us a couple of mornings of class time.  That said, I think most students were able to catch up in the afternoons and only a few students seemed unfinished.
4.  Math Quiz on Tuesday, April 5.  This is on Unit 7, Lessons 1, 2, and 3.

Thursday HW
1.  Diapers, or donations to buy them.
2.  Book report is due on April 7.
3.  MMS pages 98-99, lesson 7.3
4.  Trickster Tale is due, shared to the teacher, by Friday of this week.  All criteria for the Tale have been shared with the class, with particular practice on using dialogue and the punctuation that goes along with it.  Parents are welcome to read their children's tales online.  Type "http://aw.tdsb.on.ca" into any browser and then input individual student password credentials to view and complete work at home.

Wednesday HW
1.  Diapers, or donations to buy them.
2.  Book report is due on April 7.
3.  Draw your halves sheets due tomorrow in class.  We worked on these for two periods and then again this morning.  There are three pages in all.  Students are reminded to include TAD when describing the transformation (Type, Amount, and Direction).
4.  Trickster Tale is due, shared to the teacher, by Friday of this week.  All criteria for the Tale have been shared with the class, with particular practice on using dialogue and the punctuation that goes along with it.  Parents are welcome to read their children's tales online.  Type "http://aw.tdsb.on.ca" into any browser and then input individual student password credentials to view and complete work at home.

Tuesday HW
1.  Diapers, or donations to buy them.
2.  Book report is due on April 7.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week of March 21 - 25, 2016

Thursday HW
1.  Please bring diapers to school for our Social Justice League initiative to benefit a Women's Shelter.  We had one bundle brought in today -- thank you!
2.  Next book report due on Thursday April 7, 2016.
Have a happy Easter long weekend!

Wednesday HW
1.  Please bring diapers to school for our Social Justice League initiative to benefit a Women's Shelter.
2.  Next book report due on Thursday April 7, 2016.
3.  Tomorrow is Pizza Lunch.
4.  Tomorrow is a "Jersey Day" Spirit day.  Students can wear sports jerseys for teams of their liking or Runnymede t-shirts if they wish.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS Lesson 7.2, pages 96-97.  Students who bring home their tracing paper should be sure to return it tomorrow.  We had five of 28 students that did not finish their home practice from yesterday.  It is really a short amount a practice.  I would like to ask that you check your child's work nightly so we can make the most of our correction time the next day.
2.  Next book report due on Thursday April 7, 2016.
3.  Library Book Exchange tomorrow at 10:05.

Monday HW
1.  MMS Lesson 7.1, pages 94-95.  We started a new unit on Transformation geometry today.
2.  Next book report due on Thursday April 7, 2016.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Week of March 7 - 11, 2016

Thursday HW
1.  Finish Illustrator image for Literature Circle group.  Return it to school tomorrow since we are assembling them on a display.
2.  A test pack was handed out yesterday.  Please return it with a parent signature by Friday of this week.  No corrections are necessary.

Wednesday HW
1.  Math unit four test tomorrow.  To study, use:
  • Study sheets we made in class and at home
  • "Show What You Know" text book practice questions on pages 148-49.
  • 'Quick Review' in MMS book
  • 'Connect' in textbook
  • Corrected quizzes in the test pack handed out today.

2.  A test pack was handed out today.  Please return it with a parent signature by Friday of this week.  No corrections are necessary.

Tuesday HW
1.  Complete Math Study Sheet for Lessons 2 and 3 of unit four.  We modeled a Lesson 1 example in class today that includes three headings:  Big Idea / Techniques learned / Example for practice.
Looking at the textbook 'Connect' and MMS 'Quick Review' sections would be good starting points.
2.  Math unit four test on Thursday.

Monday HW
1.  MMS Lesson 4.9 (dividing decimals by 10)
2.  Math Unit 4 Unit test on Thursday this week.
3.  Literature Circle illustrator work is due also on Thursday.