Monday, May 25, 2015

Week of May 25 - 29, 2015

Thursday HW
1.  The First Nations project is due by the end of the day on Monday, June 1.  Several students have told me they are typing it at home.  This is not a request of mine.  I am perfectly willing to accept handwritten pages.  My goal is to make this have less impact on family life.  The project should be fully assembled with any pictures and titles by the end of the day on Monday.

Tuesday HW
1.  MMS 9.5.   Today's homework check was very good.  Thank you!
2.  "Truly Foolish" story rough plan in the Writing notebook.

Today I had a conference with almost every partner group for the Social Studies project.  It was terrific to see how many students were up to date and ready to produce a good copy.  We will be doing so over the next four afternoons, targeting Monday afternoon next week as the final due date.  That being said, several students were unprepared or had left their work at home.  A substantial amount of the final mark is based on there "on-the-way" check-ins.  The final good copy is only one piece of the evaluation.  I urge all students to come to school prepared for the class and adjust for absences for things like sports tournaments with their partners.

Monday HW:
1.  MMS 9.4
2.  Finish up rough copy of First Nations Project.  Find pictures.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Week of May 19 - 22, 2015

Thursday HW:
1.  Please work on folding your scooters for easier class storage.  I have nearly 10 of them on some days and it creates quite a tangle on my floor.  I realize that some do not fold down, but if they do, I would appreciate you oiling them with your child so I can store them more effectively and safely in class.  Thanks!
2.  Feats and Failures rough draft due in class tomorrow.  This is a 4 to five paragraph report on the structure you chose, written in your writing notebook.  We will work on the good copies in class next week.
3.  First Nations research project rough draft due in class on Monday.  Students should use sentences grouped into paragraphs which follow the rough outline of the organizers.  The work should appear in the writing notebook.  Next week we will assemble the collected partner pages in good copy form in class.  Students should consider images (copied or hand drawn) that could be added to the Bristol board presentation.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week of May 11 - 15, 2015

Friday HW
1.  Thank you for your generosity for the Nepal relief fundraising.  Cookies arrive on May 22.
2.  Social Studies research and jot note making is ongoing.  We had our final in-class period today for making jot notes using organizers.  The due date for the ROUGH DRAFT is Monday May 25.  For most students that would mean two sections each composed of about 4 paragraphs each, and a few printed pictures or drawings.
3.  Feats and Failures information to gather.  The photocopy I provided to students is a starting point, rather than the total of research that could be done.  The due date for a four to five paragraph report on the structure in ROUGH DRAFT form is Friday May 22.  Today was our final day for in-class note-taking.  Students had a chance to preview the Inquiry question page I will be asking them to complete on Tuesday.  In it they are asked to generate four rich questions on the topic and write out the notes that would help answer the question.  This will provide an "on the way" snapshot of their progress toward the final report.
4.  CASI late next week.
5.  Math Quiz on linear conversions and perimeter of rectangles late next week.

Thursday HW
1.  Social Studies research and jot note making is ongoing.  We have had 7 work periods in class to create inquiry questions and make jot notes using organizers I provided.  The due date for the ROUGH DRAFT is Monday May 25.  For most students that would mean two sections each composed of about 4 paragraphs each, and a few printed pictures or drawings.
2. Feats and Failures information to gather.  The photocopy I provided to students is a starting point, rather than the total of research that could be done.  The due date for a four to five paragraph report on the structure in ROUGH DRAFT form is Friday May 22.  We've had four class periods to work on the jot notes to this point.
3.  Math Quiz on Thursday May 14 on Unit 8 Lessons 5 and 6.  These are the final lessons of the unit.  We started Unit 9 (on Measurement) today.
4.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.

1.  Social Studies research and jot note making is ongoing.
2. Feats and Failures information to gather.  Assignment was worked on today.
3.  Math Quiz on Thursday May 14 on Unit 8 Lessons 5 and 6.  These are the final lessons of the unit.  We started Unit 9 (on Measurement) today.
4.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.

Tuesday HW
1.  Social Studies research and jot note making is ongoing.
2.  Test pack handed out last week is due with a parent signature on Wednesday, May 13.
3.  Feats and Failures information to gather.  Assignment was worked on today.
4.  Math Quiz on Thursday May 14 on Unit 8 Lessons 5 and 6.  These are the final lessons of the unit.  We started Unit 9 (on Measurement) today.
5.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.

Monday HW
1.  MMS lesson 8.6
2.  Illustrated Tanka due tomorrow.  We had three class periods to compose after I gave instruction of how to create a tanka poem.
3.  Social Studies research and jot note making is ongoing.
4.  Test pack handed out last week is due with a parent signature on Wednesday, May 13.
5.  Feats and Failures information to gather.  Assignment was handed out today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week of May 4 - 8, 2015

Thursday HW
1.  Social Studies project research continues tomorrow.  Congratulations to those students who were prepared and ready for a partner exchange of information today.  I heard lots of purposeful talk from those pairs.  Students have had one week to prepare for the beginning of this research time.  With the state of internet access at our school, it is just not practical to expect to find all of the research material during the day at school.  I have some books and some printed internet materials ready, but there is an expectation from me that students locate some of their own reading material.  The Canadian Encyclopedia online is a good source as are the links on my webpage.
2.  Math quiz tomorrow on Unit 8, Lessons 3 and 4.  I continue to review the material just before the quizzes.  There are more than a couple of students who seem unfamiliar with the quiz material each time.  Please encourage your child to review the Quick Review portions of the home practice duo-tang in the relevant lesson sections.
3.  A test package was handed out today.  It should be returned with a parent signature by next Wednesday, May 13.  Lots of daily math work is included with feedback as well as an inquiry questioning activity connected to our posted "deep-thinking" Q-Chart model.  Inquiry-based learning is a delivery model that our superintendent is encouraging us to follow and to introduce to parents.  As time passes, you will notice your child being evaluated on questioning skills more and more, both this year and in future years.
4.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.  Due tomorrow.  Thank you for your generosity!
5.  Scholastic orders due tomorrow.

Wednesday HW
1.  Social Studies project research should be ready for class work on Thursday.  Students have had one week to prepare for the beginning of this research time.
2.  Math Quizzes
a) Lessons 1 and 2 on Thursday May 7
b) Lessons 3 and 4 on Friday, May 8.
3.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.  Due Friday this week.  Thank you for your submissions so far.
4.  Scholastic orders due Friday.  Cheques only please.

Tuesday HW:
1.  MMS 8.5
2.  Social Studies project research should be ready for class work on Thursday.  Students have had one week to prepare for the beginning of this research time.
3.  Cookies for Nepal fundraiser.  Due Friday this week.
4.  Math Quizzes
a) Lessons 1 and 2 on Thursday May 7
b) Lessons 3 and 4 on Friday, May 8.