1. There was plenty of class time today to finish some assignments we've been working on in class (and at home) for some time. Today was the last class day for The Story of Stuff, the Encounter narrative story, and the "Colour of my Dreams sunglasses perspective assignment. Any students who haven't finished these can stay in at recesses to do so, or finish them off at home. Feel free to ask your child if these were handed in today, fully completed.
2. The Book Report is due next Thursday May 8. It is not a long report -- minimum one page, maximum two pages of written material -- but should be done well and show effort in the finished product (no pencil, no scribble-style colouring)..
Wednesday HW
1. The Story of Stuff is due on Friday this week, as announced on Monday. Students should be working on this final copy at home. I have not assigned any homework this week, to reflect that. Here's what students should bring on Friday:
- a series of typed (or handwritten in pen) pieces of paper for the five paragraphs in the Story sequence which is outlined in the topic sheets in the Changes in Matter booklet on pages 8, 9 and 10,
- hand-drawn pictures illustrating a key image for each paragraph (no photocopies or clip art -- students may trace or use web images as models, but all work is to be done by hand).
On Friday, we will use the large construction paper sheets to mount each student's work. We are making a class book, so all the sheets have to be the same size. DO NOT mount your work at home on another page. After the layout is settled and glued down, students will make a decorative title and add other flourishes. There is no time to print or compose work for the project in class on Friday -- only assembly.
2. McMichael gallery trip form and fee are due Friday.
3. Book Report is due May 8.
4. Topic Choice for the Social Studies project outlined on page 31 of the booklet should be ready for Friday, along with the name of a partner (if you wish to work with a partner).
1. We typed/wrote the encounter story in good copy form for two periods today, which is total of four periods so far. Students should pay special attention to the COPS editing sheets I provided to correct their work.
2. Topic Choice for the Social Studies project outlined on page 31 of the booklet should be ready for Friday, along with the name of a partner (if you wish to work with a partner).
3. Story of Stuff is due on Friday. I provided a large presentation sheet today to students, and we looked at models again to identify what made some successful and others a challenge to read and understand.
4. Book report due on May 8.
Monday HW
1. Be sure your rough draft for the Encounter story is done.
2. Topic Choice for the Social Studies project outlined on page 31 of the booklet should be ready for Friday, along with the name of a partner if you wish to work with a partner.
3. Story of Stuff is due on Friday.
4. Book report due on May 8.