Thursday HW
1. Problem of the week is due on Monday, October 7. The work for it is completed on the reverse side of the page. I distributed this page on Monday September 30 to all students and wrote their names on each page when all were present in class -- everyone received one. We checked again today to make sure everyone still had a copy. They will receive a new problem on Mondays most weeks.
2. MMS pages 28-29. We spend time correcting these pages each day in class and I check work for completion each time before taking it up as a class. I ask students to correct in another colour by checking off correct answers and circling, and then correcting, incorrect work.
3. Spelling cycle 3 activities.
4. For our Terry Fox fundraising reward we will have part one on Monday: gum and hats all day, and board games during period five and six in the afternoon. Well done class!
Wednesday HW
1. Problem of the week is due on Monday October 7. The work for it is completed on the reverse side of the page.
2. Math Quiz on Unit 2, Lessons 5,6,7, and 8 on Thursday, October 3, 2013. This covers subtraction, subtraction estimation, multiplication and multiplication by multiples of 10. Only a few students will be given the opportunity to use a multiplication sheet on this quiz. The large majority of students are expected to commit these to memory.
3. MMS pages 28-29 for Friday.
Tuesday HW
1. Problem of the week is due on Monday October 7. The work for it is completed on the reverse side of the page.
2. Math Quiz on Unit 2, Lessons 5,6,7, and 8 on Thursday, October 3, 2013. This covers subtraction, subtraction estimation, multiplication and multiplication by multiples of 10. Only a few students will be given the opportunity to use a multiplication sheet on this quiz. The large majority of students are expected to commit these to memory.
Monday HW
1. Problem of the week is due on Monday October 7. The work for it is completed on the reverse side of the page.
2. MMS pages 26-27.
3. Photo Day is tomorrow.
4. Math Quiz on Unit 2, Lessons 5,6,7, and 8 on Thursday, October 3, 2013. This covers subtraction, subtraction estimation, multiplication and multiplication by multiples of 10. Only a few students will be given the opportunity to use a multiplication sheet on this quiz. The large majority of students are expected to commit these to memory.
5. Tomorrow is Library Day. Bring your books for exchange.
Music on a Monday: the power of small!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Week of September 23 - 27, 2013
Thursday HW
1. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27.
This quiz cover addition and estimation. Students should study vocabulary such as "front-end estimation' and "Rounding the nearest 100/1000" so they can interpret the quiz instructions. There are opportunities on the quiz to show the exact answer, but the students will also be asked to show their grasp of estimation techniques. As a result the test is written under a generous, but firm, time limit.
2. Spelling text work page 13 # 1,3,4; p. 14 # 5,6,8,9; and p. 15 # 1,2.
3. Terry Fox donations will still be accepted tomorrow and early next week. Thank you for the generosity you've shown as a class! We had a great Run today and have raised $274.50 in cash, cheques and online. Wow! Well done room 365!
4. Pizza Lunch tomorrow.
5. Photo Day on Tuesday, October 1.
Tuesday HW
1. Terry Fox donations.
2. MMS pages 24-25 -- we introduced the topic and practiced some simple repetitions in class.
3. Spelling Cycle #2. Dictation on this word list on Thursday.
4. French Test signed.
5. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27. See notes below.
6. Legislature Trip tomorrow. Dress for the weather. Bring a lunch to eat in class at 10:35 before we go and a snack for afterwards. No electronics please.
Terry Fox video from the Foundation:
Monday HW
1. Terry Fox donations.
2. MMS pages 22-23 -- don't do the game.
3. Spelling Cycle #2. Dictation on this word list on Thursday.
4. French Test signed.
5. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27.
This quiz cover addition and estimation. Students should study vocabulary such as "front-end estimation' and "Rounding the nearest 100/1000" so they can interpret the quiz instructions. There are opportunities on the quiz to show the exact answer, but the students will also be asked to show their grasp of estimation techniques. As a result the test is written under a generous, but firm, time limit.
Music on a Monday: Workout music for the Terry Fox Run
1. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27.
This quiz cover addition and estimation. Students should study vocabulary such as "front-end estimation' and "Rounding the nearest 100/1000" so they can interpret the quiz instructions. There are opportunities on the quiz to show the exact answer, but the students will also be asked to show their grasp of estimation techniques. As a result the test is written under a generous, but firm, time limit.
2. Spelling text work page 13 # 1,3,4; p. 14 # 5,6,8,9; and p. 15 # 1,2.
3. Terry Fox donations will still be accepted tomorrow and early next week. Thank you for the generosity you've shown as a class! We had a great Run today and have raised $274.50 in cash, cheques and online. Wow! Well done room 365!
4. Pizza Lunch tomorrow.
5. Photo Day on Tuesday, October 1.
Tuesday HW
1. Terry Fox donations.
2. MMS pages 24-25 -- we introduced the topic and practiced some simple repetitions in class.
3. Spelling Cycle #2. Dictation on this word list on Thursday.
4. French Test signed.
5. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27. See notes below.
6. Legislature Trip tomorrow. Dress for the weather. Bring a lunch to eat in class at 10:35 before we go and a snack for afterwards. No electronics please.
Terry Fox video from the Foundation:
Monday HW
1. Terry Fox donations.
2. MMS pages 22-23 -- don't do the game.
3. Spelling Cycle #2. Dictation on this word list on Thursday.
4. French Test signed.
5. Math Unit 2 Lessons 1-4 quiz on Friday September 27.
This quiz cover addition and estimation. Students should study vocabulary such as "front-end estimation' and "Rounding the nearest 100/1000" so they can interpret the quiz instructions. There are opportunities on the quiz to show the exact answer, but the students will also be asked to show their grasp of estimation techniques. As a result the test is written under a generous, but firm, time limit.
Music on a Monday: Workout music for the Terry Fox Run
Monday, September 16, 2013
Week of September 16 - 20, 2013
Friday HW
1. Ask your parents about the Quebec Charter of Values. Read one short article about it online if you can. We had an introductory discussion about it today. Here is a brief explainer from earlier this week when the story was still developing:
The Quebec's Values Charter: what it will do if passed into law | CTV News
2. Police Check forms.
3. Terry Fox donations.
4. If you received a white Special education envelope from Ms. Cianfarani please return it as soon as you can. I've received just one so far.
Thursday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. MMS pages 20-21.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Spelling Dictation tomorrow (Friday) on Word Up List #1 words.
6. Terry Fox Donations. Our students visited Kindergarten and Junior classrooms today in pairs to announce our school fundraising effort and deliver materials. They practiced their scripts and performed very enthusiastically. They will be coming home today with their own home letters and pledge forms. We also have an online donation option at . Choose "Donate to a Student" and search for "Runnymede" in Ontario. The site finds "Runnymede and Sr PS" which is a typo the Foundation has said they will fix for us. Tax receipts are available if your information is filled out fully on the pledge forms. A full sheet is an entry into a draw for a bicycle. Thank you for considering a donation to this cause.
Wednesday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. Spelling text activities: page 9 # 1,2,3 and "Try This"; page 10 # 4,6 and 7. We spent 35 minutes in class working on this today. The words the students use should be from the Word Box on page 8.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Finish News Journal Summary and reflection for the article on the border collies and the Canada Geese.
We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class. This is our third demonstration. Students will receive a presentation date by the end of the week for their own article work. The reflection portion should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world). See below for sentence starters.
Tuesday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. MMS pages 18-19 on Mental Subtraction.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Finish News Journal Summary and reflection. We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class. We've also been listing sentence starters for the reflection portion. This should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world). Some sentence starters could be:
Monday HW
1. French Test Friday.
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. Finish Spelling Cycle.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
1. Ask your parents about the Quebec Charter of Values. Read one short article about it online if you can. We had an introductory discussion about it today. Here is a brief explainer from earlier this week when the story was still developing:
The Quebec's Values Charter: what it will do if passed into law | CTV News
2. Police Check forms.
3. Terry Fox donations.
4. If you received a white Special education envelope from Ms. Cianfarani please return it as soon as you can. I've received just one so far.
Thursday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. MMS pages 20-21.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Spelling Dictation tomorrow (Friday) on Word Up List #1 words.
6. Terry Fox Donations. Our students visited Kindergarten and Junior classrooms today in pairs to announce our school fundraising effort and deliver materials. They practiced their scripts and performed very enthusiastically. They will be coming home today with their own home letters and pledge forms. We also have an online donation option at . Choose "Donate to a Student" and search for "Runnymede" in Ontario. The site finds "Runnymede and Sr PS" which is a typo the Foundation has said they will fix for us. Tax receipts are available if your information is filled out fully on the pledge forms. A full sheet is an entry into a draw for a bicycle. Thank you for considering a donation to this cause.
Wednesday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. Spelling text activities: page 9 # 1,2,3 and "Try This"; page 10 # 4,6 and 7. We spent 35 minutes in class working on this today. The words the students use should be from the Word Box on page 8.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Finish News Journal Summary and reflection for the article on the border collies and the Canada Geese.
We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class. This is our third demonstration. Students will receive a presentation date by the end of the week for their own article work. The reflection portion should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world). See below for sentence starters.
Tuesday HW
1. French Test Friday
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. MMS pages 18-19 on Mental Subtraction.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
5. Finish News Journal Summary and reflection. We've been working on the technique used for summarizing (topic sentence, chunks of information and a sum up statement) in class. We've also been listing sentence starters for the reflection portion. This should be a personal opinion and a connection of one or more of the three types of connections (to text, to self, to world). Some sentence starters could be:
- "This reminds me of..."
- "I was confused/surprised/curious..."
- "I wondered about..."
- "Something like this happened to me when..."
- "I read a book/watched a TV show about something like this..."
- "I think that..."
Monday HW
1. French Test Friday.
2. Queen's Park trip form and $2.00 fee by Friday.
3. Finish Spelling Cycle.
4. Police Check form for volunteers.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Week of September 9-13, 2013
Thursday HW
I did not assign any homework tonight because it was Curriculum Night. My presentation will start at 7:00 PM in room 365. We will discuss the year's program in general terms and go over routines and additional trips and class events that are planned.
Many students have brought in a book for silent reading. Bravo! Please ensure that you've selected a chapter book you enjoy so that your child has some self-selected reading available each day in class.
Wednesday HW
1. MMS pages 14 and 15.
2. Queen's Park trip volunteers for September 25, 11-2:30.
3. Please have a book to read for silent reading in class and to prepare for our Book Report, which is to be announced.
4. Paper towel and tissue for class use.
Tuesday HW
1. MMS pages 12 and 13. we will play the game in class at some point.
2. Chapter book for in class reading and book report use. I have not assigned the book report yet. We are just preparing for it.
3. Queen's Park volunteers needed: September 25, 11-2:30.
4. Roll of paper towel, box of Kleenex, please and thanks.
Sorry for the delay in posting the to blog. Yesterday was a bit unusual. There was a photographer and reporter from the Toronto Star in our class for an hour or so. They were working on a short profile of me for a teaching award I was selected to receive. The class was calm, cool and collected despite the disruption, no easy feat during yesterday's heat.
Monday HW
1. Math Makes Sense (MMS) navy blue duotang pages 10-11. This is the primary, but not only, form of homework I assign for the year.
2. Bring a chapter book of your choosing to class for silent reading and book reports. It must be at least 90 pages long, mostly text.
3. We have a field trip to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Queen's Park) on September 25. Permission forms are coming. The fee is very low -- likely just TTC. I will require at least 3 parent volunteers to make this trip. The visit last from 12 noon to 1:30 PM. More details are on my web page ( Please let me know through your child if you can attend as a volunteer.
4. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in.
Music on a Monday link: "Stand by Me" -- Playing for Change/Song Around The World
I did not assign any homework tonight because it was Curriculum Night. My presentation will start at 7:00 PM in room 365. We will discuss the year's program in general terms and go over routines and additional trips and class events that are planned.
Many students have brought in a book for silent reading. Bravo! Please ensure that you've selected a chapter book you enjoy so that your child has some self-selected reading available each day in class.
Wednesday HW
1. MMS pages 14 and 15.
2. Queen's Park trip volunteers for September 25, 11-2:30.
3. Please have a book to read for silent reading in class and to prepare for our Book Report, which is to be announced.
4. Paper towel and tissue for class use.
Tuesday HW
1. MMS pages 12 and 13. we will play the game in class at some point.
2. Chapter book for in class reading and book report use. I have not assigned the book report yet. We are just preparing for it.
3. Queen's Park volunteers needed: September 25, 11-2:30.
4. Roll of paper towel, box of Kleenex, please and thanks.
Sorry for the delay in posting the to blog. Yesterday was a bit unusual. There was a photographer and reporter from the Toronto Star in our class for an hour or so. They were working on a short profile of me for a teaching award I was selected to receive. The class was calm, cool and collected despite the disruption, no easy feat during yesterday's heat.
Monday HW
1. Math Makes Sense (MMS) navy blue duotang pages 10-11. This is the primary, but not only, form of homework I assign for the year.
2. Bring a chapter book of your choosing to class for silent reading and book reports. It must be at least 90 pages long, mostly text.
3. We have a field trip to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Queen's Park) on September 25. Permission forms are coming. The fee is very low -- likely just TTC. I will require at least 3 parent volunteers to make this trip. The visit last from 12 noon to 1:30 PM. More details are on my web page ( Please let me know through your child if you can attend as a volunteer.
4. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in.
Music on a Monday link: "Stand by Me" -- Playing for Change/Song Around The World
Monday, September 2, 2013
Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!
Week of September 3-6, 2013
Greetings to the new students in my class for 2013-14. I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of you during this first week. We will jump right in to the school year with some ice breaker activities and some Math and Language reviews. As the first week goes by we will be preparing for the first Math unit in Number Sense and the first Language activities with News Journals and a novel study. Also upcoming are our preparations for field trips to the Ontario Legislature and Warren Park See you soon!
This blog will function as a weekly homework listing and be archived as the week ends. Be sure to check out my class web page at all year long. Plenty of useful stuff is posted, including downloads of class handouts which you should use to replace lost work.
At the bottom of this blog page is a calendar for the year. I have updated it for September and am working on finishing the rest of the year. I also use the calendar to make note of tests, field trips and other school events. I urge you to subscribe to the blog posts to receive daily updates of your's child's activity. I do make time each day for agenda writing by the student's and you should ask to see that book on a daily basis, but this page is a useful complement to that routine.
Friday HW
1. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in. Doing so frees up budget money that I can spend on other big ticket items for the class.
On Fridays and holidays I assign no formal homework, with rare exceptions. Without EQAO in the background these exceptions will likely be even rarer. I would encourage parents to have their students read regularly for a set time over the weekend -- 25 minutes is a good number.
We had a very good introductory week. The students in our class are bubbly and friendly. We are working on improving our work habits and productivity but the boys and girls have a pleasant friendly outlook so far. Thank you for sending them to school in such good spirits!
Only a few students have forms that are yet to be handed in. I would appreciate your efforts to send them all in by Monday if you haven't yet so that I can turn my attention to OSR reading and other planning. Have a good weekend!
Thursday HW
1. We worked on Number Sense #4 for 35 minutes in class today. It was completed by almost all students. I checked agendas and each student was bringing home the four pages to use as a study guide for the quiz.
2. Math Number Sense Quiz tomorrow.
3. Parent consent forms and $6.50 for agenda.
4. Bring a photo of yourself to cut up.
5. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in.
Wednesday HW
1. Math Number Sense 2.0 and 3.0
2. Parent Consent forms package signed and returned.
3. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex/tissue requested for class use please.
4. $6.50 for the agenda.
5. Math Number Sense quiz on Friday.
6. Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up.
Tuesday HW
1. Math Number Sense 1.0
2. Parent Consent forms and Medical forms should be filled out an returned. This includes the first two pages of the stapled package ("Acknowledgement Form") and pages 8,9 and 10 (the Walking Excursion Form, the Media Release form and the Medical Form).
3. $6.50 for the agenda.
4. Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up. (photocopy, scan, original -- all are OK).
Greetings to the new students in my class for 2013-14. I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know all of you during this first week. We will jump right in to the school year with some ice breaker activities and some Math and Language reviews. As the first week goes by we will be preparing for the first Math unit in Number Sense and the first Language activities with News Journals and a novel study. Also upcoming are our preparations for field trips to the Ontario Legislature and Warren Park See you soon!
This blog will function as a weekly homework listing and be archived as the week ends. Be sure to check out my class web page at all year long. Plenty of useful stuff is posted, including downloads of class handouts which you should use to replace lost work.
At the bottom of this blog page is a calendar for the year. I have updated it for September and am working on finishing the rest of the year. I also use the calendar to make note of tests, field trips and other school events. I urge you to subscribe to the blog posts to receive daily updates of your's child's activity. I do make time each day for agenda writing by the student's and you should ask to see that book on a daily basis, but this page is a useful complement to that routine.
Friday HW
1. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in. Doing so frees up budget money that I can spend on other big ticket items for the class.
On Fridays and holidays I assign no formal homework, with rare exceptions. Without EQAO in the background these exceptions will likely be even rarer. I would encourage parents to have their students read regularly for a set time over the weekend -- 25 minutes is a good number.
We had a very good introductory week. The students in our class are bubbly and friendly. We are working on improving our work habits and productivity but the boys and girls have a pleasant friendly outlook so far. Thank you for sending them to school in such good spirits!
Only a few students have forms that are yet to be handed in. I would appreciate your efforts to send them all in by Monday if you haven't yet so that I can turn my attention to OSR reading and other planning. Have a good weekend!
Thursday HW
1. We worked on Number Sense #4 for 35 minutes in class today. It was completed by almost all students. I checked agendas and each student was bringing home the four pages to use as a study guide for the quiz.
2. Math Number Sense Quiz tomorrow.
3. Parent consent forms and $6.50 for agenda.
4. Bring a photo of yourself to cut up.
5. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex tissue requested for class use please. Thank you to those who have already brought some in.
Wednesday HW
1. Math Number Sense 2.0 and 3.0
2. Parent Consent forms package signed and returned.
3. One roll of paper towel and one box of Kleenex/tissue requested for class use please.
4. $6.50 for the agenda.
5. Math Number Sense quiz on Friday.
6. Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up.
Tuesday HW
1. Math Number Sense 1.0
2. Parent Consent forms and Medical forms should be filled out an returned. This includes the first two pages of the stapled package ("Acknowledgement Form") and pages 8,9 and 10 (the Walking Excursion Form, the Media Release form and the Medical Form).
3. $6.50 for the agenda.
4. Bring a photo of yourself that you can cut up. (photocopy, scan, original -- all are OK).