Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week of October 25-29, 2010

Tuesday HW
We have limited HW tonight and tomorrow due to Stratford and the impending Science Project due date.  We did spend time editing our stories in class in advance of the project due date.  Any student should be prepared to present their project orally next Monday in class. 

With regard to tomorrow's Stratford trip, students should remember to arrive in class at 8:30 AM, and have appropriate clothing for the weather, a snack for the morning and a lunch and possibly a snack for the ride home.  We return at 7 PM, in darkness, so students should be picked up by a responsible adult or care giver.  No game systems for the bus ride, only books and music playing devices.  Bring these at your own risk.

On Friday we will show a film for a Halloween treat.  I don't expect that parents want their children gobbling junk food at 9AM so we will hold off on snacking until after recess.  Bring what you can with the expectation of sharing please.  We have a mild  peanut allergy (no epi-pen) in the room, so caution in that regard is appreciated.  The costume parade walk starts at 1 PM

Monday HW
Science Project due on Thursday October 28.  I will return from baseball playoffs to review them.  Presentations start next week.  News Journal Summary and Reflection -- we spent 20 minutes on it in class today after the presentations and discussion were done.  Math HW book pages 22-23.  Math Quiz on Unit 2 Lessons 1 to 4 next Tuesday November 2.  (Sorry for the late post of the HW blog.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week of October 18-22, 2010

Thursday HW
Keep working on sections of the Science Diversity project.  The elements of the project are explained in detail in each student's Diversity booklet on page 19.  Today we painted the Dear World letter sheet and had time to write a rough and/or good copy of it in class.  Complete summary, reflection and new headline for the News Journal from today.  Take into account the feedback I provided in your previous marked work.  Photo retake day is on November 12.  Stratford actor visit tomorrow, in advance of our trip next Wednesday.

Wednesday HW
Science Project is due October 28.  I distributed additional sheets and bristol board in class yesterday for good copies.  Formal letter practice in semi-block style.  Complete a good copy of your letter in pen and on lined paper.  We had 30 minutes to peer and self edit today using dictionaries, thesauruses and COPS sheets.  We also reviewed the purpose of each of the four paragraphs in the letter and reinforced the semi-block style.  Math HW book pages 20 and 21.  Skip the game on page 21 as we will play it in class tomorrow.  Photo retake day is on November 12.  The class worked very well today -- great focus and attention.
Tuesday HW
Science Project is due October 28.  I have additional sheets and bristol board available in class for good copies.  Formal letter practice in semi-block style.  Complete a letter in rough draft form in your Writing notebook from the list of choices in the Writing Sense text we looked at today.  We had 20 minutes to select a topic and brainsorm ideas in class.  A fair number of students did not complete the News Journal work from last night or omittted the Reflection portion.

Monday HW
Keep taking notes for Science Project.  We are looking at formal and friendly letters tomorrow in class to help prepare those genres for the project.  Complete Friday's and Monday's News Journals.  We spent most of a period working on Friday's journal, focussing primarily on Summary creation which is an area our class needs to work on, and most kids finished that.  We spent about 20 minutes working on Monday's journal at the end of Language so the kids should have a very good start on this homework.  Math HW book pages 18-19.  Catch up on any class work you have missed if you have been absent or out of school recently. 
Today's homework club was well attended once again with 17 students of 35 in attendance.  We worked one to one on things such as homework catch-up, inverse operations in math, computer research for the project and CASI.  Bravo!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week of October 12-15, 2010

Friday HW
Continue to gather research material for your endangered animal.  We will be using Science and Language periods to make a good start on the different components of the project due on October 28.  Most students have gotten a narrative planner for the story completed by this point.  We will discuss letter styles next week.  Students should be taking notes using the "Who Am I" sheet in their Science booklets.  I will provide a second good copy sheet for that page.  Signed and corrected test packs back on Monday October 18.

Thursday HW
Gather research material for your endangered animal.  We will be using Science and Language periods to make a good start on the different components of the project due on October 28.  Students will be taking notes using the "Who Am I" sheet in their Science booklets.  Dialogue quiz on Friday, October 15. Dictation #5 on Friday, October 15. Signed and corrected test packs back on Monday October 18.

Wednesday HW
Gather research material for your endangered animal.  We will be using Science and Language periods to make a good start on the different components of the project due on October 28.  Students will be taking notes using the "Who Am I" sheet in their Science booklets.  Complete Future Diamante Poem.  Dialogue quiz on Friday, October 15. Dictation #5 on Friday, October 15.   Signed and corrected test packs back on Monday October 18. 
15 students attended Homework Club today.  Some did computer work for the project and others did some Insult/Compliment work among other things.  Way to go!

Tuesday HW
Math HW book pages 14 and 15.  We had 10 minutes to start it in class today and most students were well into page 15 by recess.  Spelling text page 25 # 1,3,4 and page 26 # 7,8,9.  We had about 35 minutes to work on it in class today.  Most students were at #7 or #8 by the end of the period. Gather research material for your endangered animal.  We will be using Science and Language periods to make a good start on the different components of the project due on October 28.  Students will be taking notes using the "Who Am I" sheet so they can write convincingly in role for their letter and so they can add real detail to their narratives.  Unit one Math test tomorrow.  I returned the test packs today which include the second quiz.  Dialogue quiz on Friday, October 15.   Dictation #5 on Friday, October 15. 
Please have students show me your agenda notes each morning if you have sent me a message.  Thank you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week of October 4 - 8, 2010

Friday HW
News Journal headline, Summary and Reflection.  I marked the first one and gave more than 15 minutes to work on today's after a class discussion.  Spelling Cycle activities including sentences for Tuesday. Gather research material on your animal for Tuesday class work period. Unit One Math test on Wednesday. Dialogue quiz on Friday October 15.

Thursday HW
Math HW Book pages 12 and 13.  Spelling Cycle activities including sentences for Tuesday.  Gather research material on your animal for Tuesday class work period.  Unit One Math test on Wednesday.  Dialogue quiz on Friday October 15.

Wednesday HW
Book Report due tomorrow.  Test Pack signed and corrected for tomorrow.  Spelling Text activities from today that we worked on in class.  Dialogue 2.0 # 1,2 to be finished.  Dictation tomorrow.  News Journal summary and reflection to complete from today.

Tuesday HW
Book Report due Thursday October 7, 2010.  Test Pack signed and corrected for Thursday.  Correction key is on the Red Bulletin Board.  17 Students were at HW Club today at lunch -- all girls.  Way to go!  Dialogue 1.0 activity -- complete second and third practices.  Page 6 of the Science Booklet. Page 1 of the Social Studies booklet.  Journal (The Backpack) for Wednesday.  Draw for parent Volunteers on Stratford trip is still to come.  We had nine offers to volunteer -- thank you!

Monday HW
Book Report due Thursday October 7, 2010.  Math HW Book pages 10-11 for tomorrow.  We worked on it in class today as well, so I could observe.  Test Pack signed and corrected for Thursday.  Correction key is on the Red Bulletin Board.  Students may want to work on it with me at HW Club tomorrow at lunch.  As You Like It form and fee due tomorrow.  Math Quiz # 2 on Lessons 3, 4 and 5 of Unit one tomorrow.  Unit test to follow.  Journal (The Backpack) for Wednesday.